Discussion: Wikileaks Emails Showed DNC Officials Mocked Sanders Campaign

Yeah but even Sanders didn’t take his campaign that seriously in the beginning.

There’s nothing of substance here. I know some Bernie diehards will cry out with QED’s and whatnot, but otherwise, there’s nothing here.


WTF DNC? In this day and age, no one, and I mean NO ONE with any sense puts into writing, electronically or otherwise, something that they wouldn’t want to see the light of day!

This is disgusting and I am ashamed of the DNC for playing games and mocking behind the backs of anyone closely involved with the party. Wasserman-Schultz’s tenure can’t end soon enough for me, either.


“Russian hackers gained access to its email system to steal opposition research on Donald Trump.”

Those emails aren’t exactly being used against Trump, though, are they?

And Donnie just loves Putie, doesn’t he?



That is not the point. There is no reason for them to be so biased and especially in writing. This shows that they are/were not fit for the job.

Regardless, I am not sure why WikiLeaks is going anti-Hillary. Wonder if they would do the same for the Idiot party. I expect guest appearances at FOX.


You answered your own question. This matter involves no one with any sense.


Another “Kinsley gaffe”, i.e. telling an unpleasant truth.

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You mean the Democratic National Committee was more impressed by a Democrat than by a non-Democrat? How shocking.


Because we are destined for President Trump, and all the forces from all corners of the world are converging to make it happen.

It’s interesting to contrast the RNC’s performance this cycle to that of the DNC. They’re being criticized for almost exactly the opposite thing.

The RNC was arguably too passive…didn’t do enough early on to thwart Trump when it had the chance…to have a more mainstream, establishment member of the Party gain momentum.

The DNC, on the other hand, had its finger on the scale in favor of, well, the Democrat who was the overwhelming favorite.

I can see why Bernie supporters may be upset, but politics, as Bernie well knows, means throwing a few elbows. And, all in all, I’d rather be the DNC than the RNC at this point in the election, meaning they’ve done a better job of giving their Party a chance at winning the election.


Am I missing something here? Because, in spite of the TPM headline claiming otherwise, calling the idea of making DWS resign now instead of in a few months “a silly idea” isn’t actually, you know, mocking Sander’s campaign. And neither is saying he won’t be president.

“Mocking” is, for example, what Trump did with the disabled reporter he didn’t like.


My daughter is a passionate progressive who is convinced the DNC is an outpost of corporate privilege. This story has made life difficult for me in my efforts to convince her to vote for Hillary. I need a reasonable response, not derision.


Unless there is something more substantial than what is in this article, there’s no ‘there’ there.


The other part to the story is that the Wikileak docs include credit card and social security numbers of DNC donors.

Between obviously going after Hillary (the same as supporting Trump) and revealing critical info on private persons…I am getting DAMN tired of Wikileaks holier than thou BS.

Edited to add: DAMN


Here’s a rule most of learned early on. DON’T PUT ANYTHING IN EMAIL YOU DON’T WANT TO SHOW THE WORLD. What the fu@# is wrong with folks anyway? How many lessons do they need to get this simple fact. Email is not private. And it’s got you name on it.

Sweet Jesus on a cross!!


Go read this article.

If your daughter needs a better understanding of what it meant for Tim Kaine to go with the JVC to Honduras in 1980, let us know…


“Do you all think it’s worth highlighting for CNN that her term ends the day after the inauguration, when a new D.N.C. Chair is elected anyway?” he asked.

“This is a silly story,” Wasserman Schultz replied. “He isn’t going to be president.”

Seriously, this is what you call mocking? DWS’s response barely measures on the flippant scale. Additionally, it was never any secret that DWS’s favorite in this race was Hillary. Unless there is proof she actually deliberately tipped the scales, this is hype. Wikileaks, seriously?


Maybe I can help you more if you first explain to me why this is Hillary Clinton’s fault? Is there information in this leak that Hillary Clinton was in any way involved in any of these DNC exchanges?


This certainly presents a problem, especially coming on the heels of the Kaine announcement. There’s no question that we need Bernie supporters.
What I would tell your daughter is this:
Sanders voters are the future of the party, consistent across every demographic. It will not be long at all before they are choosing and electing the President of the USA. And when they do elect their dream candidate, be it Elizabeth Warren or whoever, that president’s progressive actions will have to get by the final arbiter of policy, the judiciary. Judges are the longest-lasting legacy of any president, and even mediocre, one-term presidents (like GHW Bush) get to shape the future of the country in pretty profound ways by who they nominate to judgeships. And we’re not just talking SCOTUS. The federal judiciary is a big deal.
So even if it hurts, she ought to consider holding her nose and voting for HRC, if for no other reason than maintaining a level-headed judiciary. It’s really, really important for the future of progressive politics. I generally scoff at single-issue voters, but if there is one issue that stands out above all the rest, on which a voter can justify pulling the lever for someone they don’t necessarily care for, it’s the judiciary.
That of course raises the question of what kind of judges will HRC appoint. But the real choice in front of us is, who will appoint better judges, HRC or DJT? In my view, we absolutely cannot afford a term of judicial appointments from one of those two. I feel like your daughter would agree.


Yup. This is even worse than Karl Rove’s McCain’s “illegitimate black baby” dirty trick. Get a grip!