I’m guessing because they are greedy bastards with no ethics or morals whatsoever.
Because they were stupid ?
Massive bonus points for the Mos Eisley cantina reference
And, we all know what happened to Fredo.
This story though makes it sound as if Manafort and Page and Papadopoulos had no contacts with Russia before the campaign and that’s not true. Manafort was running the campaign because of his connection to Putin and so were others.
This is misleading as hell as far as i’m concerned. And same with Trump - like Putin just discovered him when he decided to run and that’s nonsense - they have ties going back to at least the Miss Universe pageant.
Let’s face it, most of the Asshole-elects staff, then and now, are not the sharpest tools in the box. If any of them had an IQ above dog shit, they wouldn’t want to be near a radioactive idiot like Trump. So, they were easy targets for Russians operatives , and probably, people selling the Brooklyn Bridge. Sad.
Manafort isn’t stupid, he’s just that crooked.
Some of them are that stupid but they were not a collection just of idiots ripe for the picking = Putin took his time setting up this cyber attack - none of this was off the cuff.
FOX: Liberals just cant stand few white boys helping each other.
Is nobody else going to comment on how awesome it is that the CIA guy is named Sipher?
That’s gold right there.
The Russia dossier has come back to haunt Donald Trump as author Christopher Steele says the dossier is 70%-90% accurate:
Nice to learn something new: “MICE”. Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego. Trump probably fits three of the four (he doesn’t believe in anything other than his own value so, no Ideology). Except, he’s too erratic to control.
Makes sense.
Intelligence officers use the acrostic MICE to describe the primary ways to manipulate potential assets: Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego. “The big one, frankly, is ego,” says Sipher.
Trump version: Money, Idiocy, Coercion, Ego.
Rather; Money, Ignorance, Coercion, Ego
“Most assets are Fredos.”
Or, as Rick Wilson so aptly wrote in “The Strange Pleasure of Seeing Carter Page Set Himself on Fire”:
"Profoundly disconnected, socially awkward, and reeking of late-stage virginity, he gives off the creepy Uncanny Valley vibe of a rogue, possibly murderous android, or of a man with a too-extensive knowledge of human taxidermy and a soundproofed van…
Page brought a kind of underpants Gnome theory to his bromance with Team Putin. Through some unknown alchemy, he expected to benefit Trump, and gain influence and profit from his Russia foray…
Carter Page, International Business Man of Mystery, jet-setting wheeler-dealer and foreign policy savant was a view shared by only Carter Page, world-class dork and sucker…"
Maybe the term “Fredo” is a bit too generous…
ETA: And, of course, there’s the stunning revelation that the Trump Administration just awarded a no-bid contract for guarding the US embassy in Moscow to…a Russian company founded by a KGB General.
What could possibly go wrong?
Love the punchline about Trump!
Money is Trump’s tool. He was given it from birth. His button is EGO!
It’s money, idiocy. Ignorance can be corrected by education; idiocy is to the bone.
“But you can’t control him. He doesn’t follow orders.”
Unless there’s some really good kompromat.
Which is apparently the case since he is so very very accomodating.
This whole explanation seems to make these people into a bunch of hapless idiots who had no real intention to throw an election - they were just too stupid to stop Putin.
Not True!!!