Discussion: Why Trump Trained His Eye On A New Building Project In Buenos Aires

Democrat? Republican? American patriot?
Nah, Donnie’s only allegiance is to his own financial portfolio.


Relax, everyone. Kellyanne Conway is confident that Trump is acting completely legally. Meantime, his counterparts in Argentina come from a long line of presidents who won their office promising to drain the swamp and totally abolish corruption.

Shortly before he took office, President Carlos Menem said he would deal with corruption as if it were ‘treason to the nation.’
Yet 16 months into his term as president he hardly blinked an eyelash when newspapers revealed that he had received a gift of a Ferrari 348 TB sports car, worth an estimated $240,000 on the Argentine market, from the firm Ducati Meccanica of Bologna, Italy.
‘It’s not important,’ Menem said in a television interview Nov. 27,[1991] while in the same breath vowing to be ‘inflexibile’ in combatting corruption in government.

Anti Corruption Crusader, who was later convicted of Embezzlement, received a $240,000 Ferrari 16 Months After Being Sworn in as President of Argentina

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Really, we know Donnie. Of course he spoke about his project. His needs always come first.

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With each meeting and phone call, our country falls lower and far away from our values. We’ll become a corrupt, crass, vulgar third world country in no time

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Trump’s name isn’t really or isn’t exactly Trump’s own, personal brand anymore. That brand has been merged, subsumed, within the bigger brand – United States of America. It is that bigger brand that Trump not so subtly has started merchandising. The owner of the United States of America brand is the US Government. To the extent that Trump sells the United States of America brand, to the extent he capitalizes on the United States of America brand, it seems to me he is unjustly enriching himself and the proceeds and profits of such sales belong, rightfully and, I believe, legally to the US Government. It’s almost as if Trump has staged a hostile takeover of himself. Does this make sense?

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Lack of extradition treaties?

There is no end to this. This was known before the election yet we are now learning about it and it is simply unacceptable in a president. I can’t imagine a solution but there so many alarm bells and problems. Gawd we are in trouble.

Did you see this Twitter thread? It makes a pretty good case that TPM reporting is right on target - https://twitter.com/TheViewFromLL2/status/800917344658722816