Discussion: Why This Is Obamacare's Do-Or-Die Week


“You don’t know what you got till it’s gone” The Republicans are playing a dangerous and foolish game.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, things will get worse before before they get better. And they will get better, the Republicans will regret playing this foolish game.


I think this headline is totally unhinged from reality. Of course, there are going to be fewer newer enrollees this year, because there are going to be more automaticly renewed enrollees. Will some people miss the enrollment deadline because there is a shorter enrollment period? Of course, but some folks can’t get their term papers turned in by deadline, even if the deadline is the last day of class.

And there will be certainly some folks — too many for sure — who make too much money to qualify for the subsidies that about 90% of marketplace particpants get - who will decide that the unsubsidized premiums are not worth the benefit. But I know from some extended family members in Red States that there are plenty of higher income folks who also believe that Obamacare has been a life saver for them, too, although the premiums are much too high (thanks in large part to the handiwork of their very own Red State Republican Congress)

The truth about Obamacare - which neither side wants to admit - is that the law is proving to be remarkably resiliant and robust, despite the Republican efforts to kill it. The Medicaid expansion (which is about half of all Obamacare coverage) is proving to be enormously popular, and the holdout Red States are handing the Democrats a powerful electoral weapon against them.

Now, for sure, the Democrats should fight all the Republican efforts to knife the law, and make these issues a key part of every 2018 campaign. But let’s not talk about the Obamacare law being at death’s door. Rather, let’s celebrate its extraordinary successes— as we go forth to smite the politicians who would kill it if they could.


In a just society, the enrollment period would be extended, for folks are obviously still enrolling, and the Trump deadline of Dec 15 is arbitrary and mean-spirited. And an a$$wipe.

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Trump’s machinations have left lots of people confused, including the state agencies trying to get people to enroll. :dizzy_face: People are likely to miss enrollment and die.

I lost my job last week and immediately headed over to Colorado’s exchange to get coverage for 2018. Until this story came out, I had no idea that my state extended the deadline. Their website (which is excellent overall) contains mixed messages about the deadline and NO reference to the new deadline. I’ve also called customer service 3 times (again, excellent service overall) and though I’ve mentioned the Dec. 15 deadline in 2 of those calls, nobody has informed me about the extension. The website DOES clarify truths about the CSRs and tax credits, thank goodness. But the deadline thing is just as crucial.