Discussion: Why The Media Refuses To Connect Those Church Fires With Race

Discussion for article #238347

Yet you hear people constantly say ‘White privilege? I’ve had to struggle and fight for what I have. Where’s the privilege in that?’


“…but the fact is that the mainstream has a long history and a short memory when it comes to reporting on anti-black violence.”

Excellent article, excellent point…


Standard Operating Procedure for our Corporate Media!


Excellent. As ever the Devil’s in the details and exposed here as in the fabric of our history, and for most or many whites a legacy we would prefer misremembered or forgotten. Getting access to an accurate telling of our history, acknowledging and at least inwardly atoning for the lousy parts of our history can help to rebalance our society’s future. Foregoing and leaving behind the obvious insult in a rebel flag symbolizing slavery or a football mascot denigrating American Indians or an end to the scapegoating of Mexicans-Americans all has to be embraced as the right and the just thing to do amongst our Caucasian race in America. Paying for the sins of our Fathers.


Domestic terrorists are never white. Thought you knew…


White privilege is not always having things handed to you…

Its about not being subject to extra burden because of your skin color.

You may not notice a woman NOT clutching her purse in your presence, or assume police are polite to everyone they pull over. Not having to live with the opposite is the privilege.


So … the New York Times doesn’t comment on White Racism?
Is that like the Washington Times not commenting on a War Against Christianity?
Too many conspiracies for me to sort out …

Yep. Often privilege is a matter of omission: If a black man steals something or shoots someone, he’s a black man and an example of how Those People are mostly criminals. If a white man steals something or shoots someone, well, he had some complex individual set of reasons for it, or he’s crazy or a loser, but certainly not an example of the white culture of violence.

There’s also privilege in even being allowed to struggle – see, for example, the studies where steroptypically “black” names on resumes with colleges degrees got fewer responses than “white” names with criminal convictions.


There is also the privilege of not having to understand this concept.


For the same reason we white folks need to stand up to racism when we see or hear it. Far too many of us keep silent when someone we know makes racist jokes or remarks. We cringe inwardly, but keep silent to keep the peace. It’s past time to speak up, even if it makes Thanksgiving dinner uncomfortable, or makes a co worker defensive. We have 300 years of atoning to do.


Because the mainstream media is absolutely pathetic.


I agree but it has to go far beyond the Thanksgiving table.

When their corporate masters are owned by gop/bags, what can you expect?

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This has been a long-time sore that likely will never heal between myself and most of my family members. In my early teens, I started voicing my opinions about jokes, epithets, stories we saw on television and a couple personal stories that sort of set me apart pretty early on (this was the mid- and late-70s). To this day, there is a quiet distance between some close family members regarding race and the Northern Virginia fighting flag – and I got a lot of flak back then. Those very close family members love me very much and I love them as well. We just have two totally different views on this nation’s race relations and race history.

I an almost fifty-year old white gay man. I’ve been speaking up for a very long time. My sister pretty much followed my lead. That said, I also recognize white privilege – but only because I’ve been willing to listen and hear it for what it is: A real part of our intertwined history. Yes, there are many threads, many strains, many twists and turns. Some of us received much less of those privileges … but we did receive some just by the fact the old systems were set up so long before us. Personally, I’d like to read more on the subject so I’m able to converse better with facts instead of hearsay and only my own experience. I think I’m going to start by picking up a copy of Amy Louise Wood’s ‘Lynching and Spectacle.’

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We may as well not even have a media and that includes the NYT and the Washington Post.

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Not so much pathetic as paid for…

Are there any statistics on white churches burned vs black?

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You missed it.No one is saying you didn’t earn or fight for what you have. White privilege means there is no systemic effort to undermine that fight or prevent it’s payoff. White people never had to fight for affirmative action or the right to vote or be free from slavery. A white person giving an eloquent presentation is expected but when a black person does it, it’s received as exceptional. Everyday we’re asked, and often forced to confront our race while white people aren’t. You may not actively access that system of advantage but it’s there anyway and sometimes it’s done for you.