Discussion: Why The GOP Primary Debates Are Must-See TV

Discussion for article #235041

did someone tell you to toss off a seen it a million times before boiler plate progressive piece so you wouldn’t look so much like the charter school shilling koch bros water carrier you are?


Well, they’re guaranteed to be funnier than anything on NBC.


No mention of Jeb?

There is nothing funny about about ignorance and lies! Have had enough of the vacuous scripted rhetoric and moments of punishing anti-American Freudian slips from small minded and uneducated little males and the stepford wife types of the right!

I no longer find humour in the deliberate destruction brought to bear on the Nation at the hands of the tea party-republican right.

Repugnant and irresponsible!

Romney was Bud Abbott to everyone else’s Larry Costello

Lou Costello.

Edit: I see it’s been corrected in the article now

Potiusque sero quam nunquam


I assume Comedy Central will be given exclusive broadcasting rights …


Reince and the RNC are under instructions to tamp down the crazy in this upcoming debate season. I predict a lot of quick cut-a-ways, interruptions to show anti-democratic commercials and assorted, unexplained “technical difficulties” in the debates.

I predict the “fun” will be between now and the start of the primaries/caucuses. We will probably see a rotating RWNJ “crazy of the week” in attention-grabbing stunts. The last two weeks featured Cruz’s announcement before a captive audience of junior Teahadists and Pence’s meltdown in the RFA fiasco. The pre-season may be more entertaining than the season itself.

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No, no. He meant Elvis Costello.

When did TPM start doing Horror Story Articles dressed up as comedy? To make farce out of our Presidential election shows how far our country has strayed into another reality. We will still have to return and face Climate Chaos.

I watch every second of the debates. I devour the coverage. I pore over
candidates’ websites for issue positions and dream about campaign
gaffes. This is as good as political entertainment gets, and it’s
Must-Watch TV in my house.

Step away from the TV and the blogs, go to a park, toss a Frisbee for your dog, meet some new people in the real world, leave your cell phone and every other electronic gadget at home, and sample more of life then politics. You’ll thank me for it.

GOP Primary debates? It’s a sad clown parade. I’ll watch the clips of the Oops! moments, but to sit through that crazy hate-based one-up-man-ship would be asking too much. Small doses of bizarro RW derp are all I can handle.


Aw, c’mon. Lighten up. Politics as comedy is an age honored tradition. Just ask Mark Twain, Will Rogers and Molly Ivins.


Who will replace Huntsman as the hapless “moderate” who attracts media hype without building any popular support? (I think it might be Lindsey Graham.)

No, not Lindsey. He’s still trying to acquire a sufficient number of guns to be considered manly enough for the GOP. He’s got 12, but for him, it’ll probably take several hundred. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/republican-presidential-hopefuls-sticking-to-their-guns/2015/03/28/b2ef4a1c-d3c4-11e4-8fce-3941fc548f1c_story.html

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And then there’s the other Must-See TV, Hillary’s Coronation.

One will be laughable while the other will be nauseating.

Let’s not forget Scott Walker, the smarmy slimebucket who makes you want to reach for the hand sanitizer every time he sneers. I suspect he won’t look in a mirror - not because of the bald spot he keeps trying to hide, but because he doesn’t actually cast a reflection.

You have captured all the reasons for why the Republican debates have become a guilty pleasure for me too. Outrageous statements and dirty secrets revealed on prime-time TV. Of course I’m interested in their political views, but those have long ago been subsumed into false television-friendly avatars.


" and that requires voters and journalists to explain how this fits the common “false equivalence” story: the view that both parties are equally unreasonable and equally responsible for federal dysfunction. "

This is where I must take issue. Because the press does insist upon false equivalencies, the inevitably start granting credence to the nonsense that does indeed pour forth from these debates. So instead of it being “Dems over reasonable approach, republicans offer crazy nonsense” it becomes “Both sides are offering extreme solutions”…the reasonable “within the Overton window” talk that comes out of Democratic primaries is instantly labeled “extreme” also…and the window moves further to the right.

And GOP strategists are well aware of this; there are many occasions where they do it on purpose for exactly that reason. A classic example I throw out on here quite often is in regard to the abortion-rape nonsense that got thrown out there in 2012. Those weren’t a bunch of isolated mistakes; it was broad campaign to move the discussion from “should abortions be legal?” to “should abortions be legal in cases of rape?” They were (and still are) trying to move the conversation further to their side, by passing the fact that all abortions ARE legal, regardless of how the woman became impregnated.


Sorry, but I can’t miss my reruns of Hogans Hero’s for this dreck.

This is why TPM and the Daily Show exist. You get to wade through this crap so I don’t have to.


Let the clown car commence!
(Please pass the popcorn.)

50 Shades of limited gray matter.