Discussion: Why <i>Key And Peele</i> Shouldn’t Have Gotten Canceled

Discussion for article #238878

Damn-it! I just assumed this show was successful given all of the references I hear in social media and, for example, 80 million You Tube views for Substitute Teacher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7FixvoKBw

I pay too much for cable for there not to be enough shows I actually like. Damn-it!


FOX should grab it as fast as they can. Put it up against SNL. And promote the hell out of it.

Great, thoughtful show. They contend it was not cancelled by Comedy Central.
BTW, the roadtrip thing is a riff on True Detective (season 1).

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Aside from the analysis, they served up terrific comedy.


The show was a bit hit or miss for me. Either super funny or meh. I mean it is sad for fans, but it is hard to be that mad. It did last 5 seasons, not many shows make it that long on Comedy Central that are not South Park, Daily Show or Colbert Report.

It was all re-runs for so long that I got out of the habit of watching. It is a great show, though, I wish they would change their minds.

I’m sure K&P will find plenty of things to keep them busy.

Am I the only one who never thought this show was all that funny?

Now that makes me very sad. They are sooooo funny

It’s a tragedy that a TV show ended? What world do you live in…

Sorry to see that the show is ending. I really enjoy it. They do a great assortment of characters.


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Fucking brilliant!!

They, the comedy duo of Key and Peele are not ending. They are going to do something other than their Comedy Central show is all.

As with Inside Amy Schumer, Comedy Central only allows online viewing of a very few snippets from each episode. So they’re missing out on anyone who doesn’t have a cable subscription, which is an ever-increasing number of people. Fortunately Stewart and Colbert (and Trey Parker and Matt Stone with South Park) didn’t let them do that to their shows.