Discussion: Why Gov. Jay Nixon’s Anti-Abortion Bill Veto Matters

Discussion for article #224732

He seldom goes as far as to actually cosign onto the agenda of the anti-abortion majority in the legislature, but he has a habit of pocket vetoing bills – allowing them to still go onto the books without signing them, which provided him with cover to claim he did not actually support them.

A pocket veto is a veto. I don’t know the rules in Missouri, but if it’s like the federal government, it can only occur at the end of the term when the legislature has adjourned. Presidents can refuse to sign bills at other times, and they become laws, but then it’s not a pocket veto.

If bills can become law without Nixon’s signature, you can say that he’s withholding his assent, but not that he’s pocket vetoing them.


I just moved back to So Cal after 9 years in Springfield Mo and was involved with Dem politics there. Springfield is the home of Roy Blunt and the new congressman that took his seat is Billy Long, a good ol’ boy auctioneer who’s entire campaign was yard signs and bumper stickers that read, " Fed up ? '. The Dems only control the large population areas of KC and St. Louis and the rest of the state is red and super religious. That is why Claire, who I know and worked with, and Jay govern from the center and rarely push for far left policies. Jay is pragmatic, wonkish and rarely gets emotional or in the mud with the crazies in Jeff City. It comes down to a classic conflict of urban vs rural.


It’s a sad day for Faux Xtian terrorists.

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“his current term isn’t be ending”? Ouch.


Of course it is important. Reality and reason still have a place in American politics, no matter the efforts being made by the opposition to fall further into fantasy land.

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Thank you – I was just getting ready to post that same correction.

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That’s NOT a pocket veto. A pocket veto is a veto by failure to sign a bill within the required period after the close of a legislative session. NO veto “allow[s bills] to go onto the books” without being overridden, and then it’s not the veto but the overriding that is effective.

There is no excuse for this kind of sloppy “reporting.” None.