Discussion: Why Does Creepy Uncle Joe Biden Get A Pass From Liberals?

Well stated, and 6 miles away from the “lecherous” term TPM used in the Editor’s Blog.

From Merriam Webster:
lecherous: having or showing an excessive or disgusting interest in sex

Josh crawls out of the corner office if a writer is criticized, but lets his site imply that VP Joe was trying to get some action from a Senator’s mom and some young teen. Don’t be so quick to pull a civility yellow card after that kind of nonsense.


Saying “Joe Biden is a jerk” or “I hate Joe Biden” is an opinion. Saying “Joe Biden is a lecher” goes beyond opinion and approaches slander. I don’t care how long you’ve been “at this” – that doesn’t make you right.


No, it’s written on the Editor’s Blog minus quotes.


Have to agree with you. I thought the piece was real silly, but it is an opinion piece, and no one is forced to read it. I have NEVER been on a news site where I thought every article “belonged”, nor would I expect that. I read the article and commented, as did others. And you need clicks to survive.

And frankly although Joe Biden is NOT creepy, had a Republican male done these same things, lots of folks on here would be calling him …creepy. And that would not be warranted either.

Dick Cheney is creepy. And it has nothing to do with how he acts with women.


Dick Cheney isn’t creepy, rather he’s pure evil and it emanates from him in all directions.


Why does Biden get a pass from liberals?

Not all opinions are worthy of publication.


Shilling for Hillary?


The Webster link I pulled up said:

  1. producing a nervous shivery apprehension

  2. of, relating to, or being a creep : annoyingly unpleasant

Technically those people did appear annoyed a bit, though I still don’t like the use of the word “creepy” either. Maybe “touchy feely”. Like a person who keeps poking you when they speak to you. It’s not sexual and they are being friendly, but it’s annoying.

…I think we just lost Josh to the bubble…


That’s nice, but the TPM Editor’s Blog asks:

Do liberals excuse Joe Biden’s lecherous, sexist behavior just because we like his policies?

So I pulled up the definition of lecherous instead of the definition of creepy.


Nothing in this article comes anywhere near “sexual harassment.” That’s a legal term that has an actual meaning, not something infinitely elastic that can be stretched to encompass anything you feeling like throwing into it. Get to know the vocabulary BEFORE you try using it.


I’d like to hear the author’s opinions on touchy-feely-smalltown-man Joe Biden vs. touchy-feely-metrosexual-urban-man.

Are both “creepy”? Is one more “creepy” than the other? If not, why?

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Needlessly insulting the author? As opposed to accusing Joe Biden of being a creepy sexual harasser based on nothing?


Only if she does it in the “Ten Top Reasons” format.


Man, that 2nd pic with the trooper is pure awesome!


He got caught drunk driving once and called the cop “sugartits”… oh wait, no that was Mel Gibson. Biden’s just my own, personal Riggs.

Seriously though, without insulting the author, I think Joe’s just an old-fashioned, baby-kissing politician. It seems a bit outdated, and he certainly doesn’t always say the right thing, but a creep? That seems a bit much. Also, he’s been on the national scene much longer than since 2007, but I guess you can get a pass for not knowing that if you were an infant during his first presidential run.


Exactly. Joe Biden is an oldschool political flesh-presser…which is not, as some might think, something pornographic.


I think this was the best post of all. The photos you show are of a person who likes to connect with people through touch. And he does it with everyone, not just women. Most people he engages with clearly seem to like his style and warm up to him quickly. He appears to me to be a soulful person who genuinely enjoys making that connection with people. This is a man who has suffered through tremendous loss and tragedy, and knows how precious time and human life is, and I think that shows in the way that he makes people laugh, and feel good. Where’s the lechery?

Perhaps the bias is not in the observed, but rather, in the observer.


hear hear


Alana, you have issues. I suggest you seek professional help.

Bidden is a man of his generation. How he acts toward women is pretty much standard for gentlemen of that generation. He isn’t jester the molester. He is a 70 something middle class man. Not everybody can be perfect. Get over it.