Discussion: Why Did Mike Flynn Bother To Lie To The FBI?

Impeachment? Nah. Gunna Happen while the GOP waits for tax reform. Indictment? Possibly…


:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :+1:


The question is why lie? The answer: to cover up something else you think worse to reveal, either for oneself or someone else with whom you are connected.

In the #trumprussia scandal the people who get the story right are the ones who refuse to have a failure of imagination but still maintain an intellectual and factual rigor to ground, test and validate their assumptions, working theories and hunches.

As David Frum says, this is a scandal with many secrets but no mystery.

There is no mystery as to what Team Trump was covering up: They were covering up profound cheating, law breaking and treasonous behavior. They cheated every which way possible and imaginable. They repeatedly conspired and conversed with Russia. They actively sought stolen material and used it against their opponent. They targeted weaponized data that they stole against HRC. They mixed actual emails with fake data to change news cycles. They undermined US foreign policy with respect to Israel, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel and China to gain an edge. They conspired with actual mobsters and oligarchs. They talked kickbacks, quid pro quos and selling of access or policy changes for essentially bribes to prop up a failing business venture. They likely funneled illegal foreign money (we don’t know that story yet, but we will) into their campaign and for many other GOP candidates. They likely shared sensitive government data with foreign powers which could rise to the level of espionage. They also enabled and encouraged a foreign power to aggressively attack our voting systems, penetrate those voting systems, and possibly (and I think it increasingly likely) changed the actual vote count.

They all had a look of shock that they actually won and the media, about half the public and the legal system were gonna let 'em get away with it. But they all knew what they had done, and anytime some little sliver broke, they overcompensated and panicked because they stood around wondering ‘is this when/how it all unravels?’. That’s why Sessions panicked in his confirmation hearing when Franken asked a rather benign question. Sessions overreacted and volunteered info he didn’t need to, and thereby set in motion the process that led to a special counsel.

In Flynn’s case, he’s clearly an unhinged dumb shit. A former DIA head who didn’t realize that USIC would be listening in on him? A member of the US military who didn’t realize that talking about kidnapping, bribery and trafficking in stolen material was illegal? B***ch please!

We could’ve smashed these guys back then, but we weren’t aware of what hit us and we were afraid of our own media.

If, for example, HRC had said ‘fuck this election result, I’m holding out until we get an audit of every voting machine in the battlegrounds. Or, I’m holding out until the FBI releases what we all know: that the Trump investigation colluded with Russia and there are IC intercepts to prove it’ and then demand that the electoral college consider the evidence of conspiracy and high treason in their decision to vote, the Trump folks would’ve responded with a fury but would’ve collapsed if the truth came out. We just lost faith in our ability to fight a sexist, racist, and complicit media, to fight for the truth.


If only we’d been that lucky!
Josh’s tweet is hilarious!


Especially when “recount” doesn’t mean shit… e.g., my state PA, one of the three key states, has no paper trail, so there was (still is, unfortunately) no real forensic audit possible that could call into question the election results.

So…she got money and a bigly new mailing list (which she’d never had as a GP candidate) for that shit show.

Yeah that useful idiot may be a small fish in the grand scheme of things but I NEED to see her going down with her traitor friends.


Mueller is just going to indict him and let it roll. Who knows what can happen? What’s the downside? By that time he’ll already have everyone else in some sort of jeopardy.



Couldn’t happen to a better person. At least, an indictment with subsequent charges will keep her from being a perennial candidate a la Harold Stassen.

I also want to see her virulent supporters put in their place.


Forgive me,but why? I know I’m an ignominious here, but why were they trying to nuke the Israeli sanctions?


x infinity.


THIS millions times.


While everyone is having a great time, one thing we should be watching is the reaction of various associations/groups and distant personalities that are not big names directly. I am sort of curious if we might see some of the white nationalists/supremacists slink away into the shadows.

The events and crimes surrounding Trump directly will occupy the discussion, but this is going to go deep. We will be digging these people out for years to come.I am betting a large industry of conspiracy and collusion. Will wait to see if that holds true.


The whole car los of them.


I’m all for her going down.

I guess at the point when she started that I was still hoping somebody - anybody would because I knew that it had been rigged.





If he takes down Trump and Pence, won’t that leave us with John Galt?


Funny as a fist full of indictments.


Basicly, they would have to both disappear at the same minute for that to happen. So, no.




He’s on fire today with his twitter feed. Or is he like that all the time? It’s the first time I’ve looked at it.