Discussion for article #224454
So…how do you like your home grown terrorists America?
What a bunch of fucking loonies! My head hurt just trying to wrap my brain around the cognitive dissonance. These fucks needs to be committed.
Because he’s the human embodiment of political ignorance?
The answer to your question: “Why Did Maine’s Governor Conspire With ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Extremists?” is that LePage has the brain power of a bug. He is a silly, embarrassing clown.
Lieberman? They know that he is no longer Senator, right?
I’ve always thought folks in Maine were pretty wise. How the heck did this guy get elected, and how long before they throw his ass out?
He won because of a 3-way split in the votes.
Most Mainers are not happy with him.
Shouldn’t LePage be impeached for consorting with terrorists?
You only think that because of Hawkeye Pierce. He was fictional!
Of course not. They’re white.
Why did he conspire?
Gee, something about when good men do nothing, evil flourishes?
And I thought Paul LePage was a nut case. Sheesh!
Okay…has the local media picked this up? Do they care? They might pick this story up but will it play beyond a 2 minute segment? Are Maine Dems going to bang this drum loud and long enough that the media might make this a big deal? We’ll see, but I doubt it.
“The other possibility may be that LePage simply wished to flatter this group with his time and attention because, despite their extremism, they are a crucial part of the electoral coalition that helped him to gain his office and may be useful to his reelection in 2014”
This is a telling statement as to how far into the world of people who have to be deranged the GOP has to go to maintain electability.
Mostly because LePage is a fucking idiot.
® pols, or whatever LePage classifies himself-- are weak-minded ®obots.
Like Star Wars storm troopers.
Power of suggestion trumps criticality of thought.
‘These are the Sovereign Citizens you’re looking for.’
A good long article on mass craziness and craziness infecting government.
“…American government is illegitimate and that the shadowy cabal of elites who control it …”
I keep hearing things I first heard years ago – for ex, that the govn’t is planning to come take our guns. First heard this when Reagan – of all people – was POTUS.
Back in the 60s, one of my co-workers lived in a rural part of NJ. He was an avid hunter and fisherman, a hobby that brought him into contact with men who said they belonged to some kind of militia. That was the first time I had heard of domestic militias.
My co-worker told me that these groups believed that communists were already in place in our govn’t just waiting for the right time to take over at which time they would launch their revolution.
I’m not sure what the persistence of these paranoid themes mean except that they’re persistent in our political and social culture as pointed out by Hofstadter. They’re part of its DNA.
I can’t prove it, but I’ve long suspected that members of these nut groups are enjoying themselves in some perverse way and support each other’s paranoid fantasies and the anger from which they arrive.Then it was commies. Now it’s who knows what?
I’m not smart enough to come up with some Grand Unifying Theory of all this nuttery. Wish I could. I’d publish and everyone would think I was Really Smart.
Maybe Hofstadter said all that can be said.
And to think LePage could get re-elected as Elliot Cutler refuses to run as the Republican that he truly is and instead as a pretend Independent…which means he’s going to split enough of the vage away from Michaud and LePage keeps the office.
The Democrats in the House and the Senate blew it once again! The state needed a constitutional amendment requiring a statewide office holder to be elected with at least 50.1% of the popular vote otherwise a runoff election between the top 2 final candidates would be required. This is better than so called ranked voting!