Discussion: Why Ben Carson Isn't Going Away -- And What Makes That So Scary

Discussion for article #242479

the real key for understanding Carson (like Beck) is via the works of Cold War-era John Birch Society member and prolific pseudo-historian W. Cleon Skousen, who stipulated that America was under siege from the secret domestic agents of global Marxism who masqueraded as liberals. Carson has also clearly bought into the idea that these crypto-commies are systematically applying the deceptive tactics of Saul Alinsky in order to destroy the country from within

Something for the fourth estate to run with, right ? Or are you waiting for a better time ?


If they don’t pretty soon, then one theory of the 2016 nominating process could come true: conservatives want to rerun the 1964 election, and they’ve finally found their Barry Goldwater.

Please proceed, conservatives.


…Carson is a devoted believer in a number of surprisingly resonant right-wing conspiracy theories, which he articulates via dog whistles … without alarming regular GOP voters or ALERTING THE MSM.

Which is why he polls well with general electorate. They’re familiar only with his biography and not his whackadoo beliefs.


Then you have Chuck Todd on several MSNBC shows comparing Carson to former president Carter in demeanor, etc. Omitting Carter had experience as a governor.


The scary thing is how much of the population will actually recoil from the notion of a kook in the White House in enough numbers to vote to ensure he would lose In a Goldwater level landslide?

I keep thinking “of course there is a ton of people who will recoil”. But I have witnessed my country embrace Teh Stoopid™ too many times to not dismiss it entirely.

I hope and long for such a defeat for movement conservatives so as to cause a major realignment. But even if Carson were to go down in flames after securing the nomination of his party, the impulse to blame the messenger and not own up to the failure of their beliefs is enough to give me pause. Remember, “conservatism” can’t fail, only people can fail conservatism.

Maybe it’s Ohio, Kentucky and Houston voting like first-rate morons yesterday to not consider or dismiss the notion that I live in a country dominated by stupid and crazy fuckers. But I really hope these loons get shown the door once and for all.


I just really don’t think the majority republican voter, older white male, can bring themselves to vote for a black guy. They may like what he says, but they just hate blacks too much, regardless of what the black guy says.


And Pres. Carter is a fundamentally decent person…


I have been reading,and hearing a lot about the idea of a possible “brokered convention” by the GOP this year because no one candidate may get enough delegates to be declared the winner, very interesting.

In that case the scenario seems to be a lot of back room wheeling and dealing where the party big shots dump Trump,and Carson because they have no way of wining the general election and give the nomination to Rubio Imagine the pandemonium within the GOP if it ever happened.


It’s scary alright, but only if you are an establishment Republican who thought you might like to win 2016.

For the Democrats, this is a gift from heaven. There is no way Carson is electable, although the media will try its best to make it seem that way, should he be the nominee.


Also omitting that Carter believes in liberal education goals & science, including evolution & human-caused global warming - he was THE MAN! It was Carter who talked the talk & actually put solar paneling up on the White House - & was in fact actively involved in nuclear technology while in service with the Navy.

Carter’s loss to Reagan in 2000 is more akin to Conway’s loss to Bevins in Kentucky yesterday. It was never that Reagan would be better at presidenting - actively focused racial bigotry & concerted wingnuttery were huge factors in that relatively close loss, to say nothing of what was going on in & with the Iran hostages.


Fresh off of Kentucky News:

To me, non-voters on the Democratic side are the biggest menace we face.

For the same reason if, in WWII, 70% of eligible draft-age men refused to serve. If that had taken place, not only would we probably have lost but–in the event we actually did scrape through a victory–this group of no-shows would be vilified through history of this Republic.

WE KNOW and have known for decades that the intensely racist and diligent voting Republican electorate is as much of the American landscape as the 1850s Know Nothings, 1920s Klan, 1960s White Citizens Council.

They are not going away

But, for some reason, in so-called “off-year” elections, WE go away, as voters…and, in so doing, give our government to individuals determined not only to undo every bit of legislation protecting the public and its safety and welfare but to EXPAND the growing gap between the 1% and everyone else.

Because non-voting is a “stealth crime” in which the perpetrators are unknown, unverifiable and thus immune from accountability, ordinary “pep talks”, “shame fests” and the like are meaningless.

Because we did not educate our young (starting during the 1960s Civil Rights Era and beyond), we are now left with what we see here: disinterest, apathy, ignorance and an incredible belief that one’s salvation lies in somehow magically becoming one of the emotional cretins living luxurious lives on Reality TV.


Well, the Republican’s are going to nominate somebody, and it sure won’t be Trump. If I were the Decider on who HRC is best placed to defeat, IOW if I were picking her ‘bum of the month’ special, Carson wouldn’t be the first choice but I’d sure pick him over either of the two craven Cubans, Rubio in particular.


Also, Ben Carson is using his early money mainly to build his mailing list and fundraising apparatus. Speaking long-term, the mailing list would give Carson a tool to use for future grifting operations, but speaking short-term, the mailing list gives Carson the potential to mobilize voters without a real ground operation and to tap small donors who haven’t maxed out their contributions yet. Carson probably won’t win, but Carson has the potential to stay in the race for a long time and split the evangelical vote.


Rubio is the next step over from South Florida Bad Boy. I’m surprised he wasn’t taking notes from “Miami Vice”.

There is the point Carson is incapable of carrying out the duties of POTUS. He cannot do that job. He’s been able to surround himself with like minded adoring Evangelicals up to this point. After the oath of office that is over. He will offend most of the world’s leaders ( much more so than Bush ) and leave America a pariah state. The world will not put up with him and many of is slicker leaders will manipulate him.

And until all that happens there will be no end to folks like Carson. He has to make America hurt.


The Presidency isn’t an entry level position. He needs to answer the question: “Why do you want to be President?”. If his answer is that ‘a lot of people thought I would make a great president’ , then he isn’t going to move any further along.
What is his vision for America? Because as an outsider with no government experience, he must have a compelling reason to think he is capable of stepping in to such a daunting position.
What are his accomplishments? If he says he ran a whole floor or department for a single organization, then he is not your man. Dealing with HR and procurement isn’t the key to success here.
What does he think about people in general? How about Muslims? What is it about Islam that bothers you so? Because it is the fastest growing population on earth and if he has a problem with them, he needs to spell that out- slowly, in his patently methodical way, so that we can evaluate that. Also, what’s up with the Nazis? How come they keep finding a way into your narrative? (I see Kilgore’s explanation above, but Carson should give us his deep personal views here since it is obviously a major issue for him.


Carson would get 47%, as would Cruz, Kang or Kodos. Nearly half the population will vote for anything with an “R” behind the name. Which is depressing, but not as scary as the prospect of the Rs picking someone who could actually win. Which I’m not totally sure they have, honestly? I mean, yeah, Rubio’s got youth and – well, something that passes for charisma in modern Republican politics. But he reads as both slick insider and greenhorn whelp, and his base hates the browns. So not super scared right now. Maybe Bevin will get in?


That and the mistaken belief that being anti-christian is some how productive. The GOP has already won that war and we ought to acknowledge that they are anti- christian, and start to focus on the christian values we hold. Things like be fruitful and multiple means taking care of the environment to allow that to happen, and healthcare, and education, living wages, feeding the hungry, housing the poor.


I agree. We are a long way out and Carson will continue to make scary extreme statements - and while it may not affect his followers,no sane person is going to vote for this guy, All americans are not stupid but some are blinded by their hate and extremism but that is not most of the country,