Discussion: 'Why Are We Doing This?': Trump Aides Don't Understand McCain, Conway Attacks


Out of seemingly nowhere, Trump has also reignited his feud with McCain, who passed away nearly seven months ago from brain cancer.

It wasn’t out of nowhere. The predicate was the release of documents from the Buzzfeed defamation case, and specifically Fox New’s coverage of that case . Their headline read Court files reveal role of McCain, associate in spreading anti-Trump dossier)

Trump apparently didn’t bother to read the article itself, because his tweet claimed

it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election.

The article itself does note that McCain (and an aide) only acted in December.


Yep. And not just in the Rust Belt alone, now that they build cars down south as well. The price on parts alone will be unaffordable…and retaliation by other countries is a real possibility. He’s a nihilist. Doesn’t care one whit what happens to this country. Never has. He’s in his position in order to maximize personal profit. That’s always been his motive from the beginning. That won’t change, and if it means distracting people with bad policy, denying record requests or keeping back-channels to whoever can give him the best deal on a business proposition…he’s game to carry out whatever graft he can get his hands on while he has what he sees as the power to do that.


Maybe George Conway is right and people close to Trump need to start checking his mental health and dusting off the 25th Amendment. He could start drooling any day.


Rhetorical question that they all know the answer to. Because Trump is a deranged sociopath.


Delusions are a helluva drug. I like to think of it with this analogy:


Diamene is a substance that is flexible but becomes harder than diamond when pressure is applied or it is struck. The more you hit a delusion with facts and reality contradicting its veracity, the same thing happens: it becomes more rigid, impenetrable and the person’s defense mechanisms immediately kick in to actually entrench them further into the alternate reality their psyche has manufactured. The wish buried at the core of the delusion compels it. To support and defend the delusions, they’ll literally do anything…fabricating new “facts”, confabulating new memories, manufacturing conspiracy theories to explain away the contra-factual information, even getting violent.

Conversely, when relentlessly massaged and fed by something like Faux News, which abuses the delusional person’s confirmation bias…the tendency to believe even falsehoods that confirm what you are predisposed to believe over truths that contradict it…to reinforce the delusion, the delusions remain flexible, pliable, malleable and easily shaped.


One outcome of the Trump Era will be a strengthening of our take on demagoguery. This cannot be stressed enough.


But you, apparently, which says something about you, eh?

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The latest nonsense from a nonsensical individual in a nation clearly devoid of any sense at all.

Hoping there are some isolated mountains with caves and rent control. I fucking give up.


Trump has also reignited his feud with McCain, who passed away nearly seven months ago from brain cancer.

Stop calling this a FEUD: Dead people don’t speak or fight.


Seriously? Have his people listened to or observed his disjointed, rambling moments over the past several years? This is what he does…denigrates, mocks,criticizes projects…maybe they forgot or just ignore what a vile person they are dealing with…


Keep doing that and some of them might leap out of upper-floor windows!

Not something you want on your conscience!


feels more like titus andronicus to me

Unfortunately, they are the spineless pricks literally enabling this mad man.s

According to a Wednesday Politico report, some close to Trump believe the President is hitting the late-Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and the husband of one of his most loyal aides to distract from criticism over his lukewarm response to the massacre in New Zealand.

It shouldn’t require much effort to give an appropriate response to a tragedy like the one that happened in New Zealand. All it takes is behaving like a normal, empathetic human being. Can you at least fake that?


Aren’t John McCain and George Conway considered Deep State by conservatives because they are not loyal enough to Preshitident Skanky-Manslut and the Trump Organization?

If you are asking yourself, “Why are we doing this?” Perhaps the question you need to ask is, “Why am I still here supporting this piece of shit?” Otherwise, it’s just shut the fuck up.


I’m hoping Mattie took it with him and left a fake one behind. Really.

"Because the president is a fucking loony."

“I’m invincible!”
“You’re a loony.”

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