Discussion for article #224660
Always remember “What Goes Around Comes Around”.
Democrats don’t have the guts to use these tactics. And they certainly don’t have the “sales skills” to use them and be able to get away with it politically, as Republicans do.
Does “adjourn” mean to recess? Or do they mean different things? The issue here is about the President’s power to make appointments when the Senate is not officially in recess. If Obama were to use the power you just described to “adjourn” the Senate, couldn’t Mitch McConnell promptly call it right back into session and do a pro-forma session?
@TheyAllStink16. If they were ready for it the GOP could. But many times they just gavel in for the day and leave. The POTUS could wait until said Senator leaves the dais and promptly adjourn and immediately afterwards recess appoint his picks. The only protection against this maneuver would be to keep Senators on the floor at all times (including holidays). In effect only a “talking filibuster” could prevent the POTUS from undertaking this action.
No one states the patently obvious like Kapur.
And if the president were republican, the SC would be pushing another “imperial presidency.”
Screw impeaching these guys. They’re traitors.
Shh! Don’t tell the repugs.
enforcing my determination to work to get our voters out in 14, already doing calls and legwork.
the thought of a teaparty led government is very scary
vote in 2014
Chief Justice Roberts, did your court protect and defend the constitution? Nah, but we sure put a twist in the unions’ knickers!
“…You could potentially end up with a real crisis of governance…”
Oh, that’s a given.
The Court has mandated minority rule in America, a tool that will be very helpful to Hispanics.
We already have a constitutional crisis, but nobody is doing anything about it except exacerbating it. In light of this latest ruling all they have to do if the senate is controlled by the gop, is turn the lights on and off once in a “pro forma” session and they can block any nomination.
Thanks to the imbalance in the SCOTUS, the one percent can chalk up another win amid so many of their recent preposterous distractions.
“You could potentially end up with a real crisis of governance,” said Norm Ornstein
Norm has not been paying attention. We already have a crisis in governance…the senate has been in a pro forma session since McConnell first revealed denying President Obama a second term as his #1 priority.
One more thing…considering the Republican opinion of “lazy, shiftless and unproductive people who take handouts from taxpayers”, a proposal to replace congressional salaries with a performance and production based pay would be met with unanimous congressional Republican approval.
We have to get out the vote in November, big time.
But that’s only addresses the immediate crisis—the specter of a Tea Party government----without dealing with the underlying causes.
We have to organize year-round, and build the Democratic Party neighborhood by neighborhood until it’s a strong community, state, and national party capable of countering the GOP’s vast donor resources and the right-wing media/political complex.
This is how elections are decided.
If Democrats get out and vote, Democrats win.
So it’s our job to make sure that happens, and the best way to do it is to build a strong party at every level.
If we just work on GOTV every election cycle, we’re doomed to reinventing the wheel every two years.
Seems our Supreme Court is deeply broken.
Adjournment is what starts a “recess” according to the black robed denizens of the ivory tower.
This clause would only work as a way of breaking a faux session filibuster of nominees if the House was held by the president’s party and the leadership of the House was willing to collaborate with the president in undermining the institutional power of Congress. But yeah, if, by some bizarre turn of events, we got a SMJ McConnell who was keeping the Senate in session to prevent recess appointments, Speaker Pelosi could demand a recess, leaving it to the President to adjourn Congress to whatever time he deemed fit.
I don’t get the use of “may” and “could” with regard to the phrase “constitutional crisis” as, to my understanding, we’ve been enjoying one for the last several years abetted by broken media and secret billionaire finances…
Among the Pentagon’s famous contingency plans I wonder if a plan exists to maintain the government while the 1%, Congress and Supreme Court are cleansed of traitors?
The problem is, if the House and Senate are both Republican, then there would be no “[…]case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment[…]”.
Constitutional Crisis
Paid for by KochIndustries
in an effort to speed the reality of a a TeaOcracy .
"Hanging it on Obama’ has slowed progress on O’Reilly’s next book, “Killing the Constitution”.