That’s just peachy…
If a second GA poll comes out in Clinton’s favor, Trumps plane is going to accidentally fall out of the sky…
Now that’s more like it! Come on, Missouri and Arizona, you can do it too! (Texas, you’re up next…)
We might get AZ but MO will be a much heavier lift. TX won’t go blue for a few more years; it will happen though.
It must be rigged.
Donny returns home to Melania on election night:
Come on AZ!
If Georgia can do it, so can we!
…and rid ourselves of mcCrank while we’re at it!
I don’t expect the large margin of these recent polls to stand at such a drastic difference, but if they stay long enough to deny Johnson and Stein debate spots, I think you’ll see Trump back out of the debates, which would be an absolutely unprecedented disaster for him. So, fingers crossed…
Also, as a resident of northwest Georgia (NOT an Atlanta suburb), I’ve seen a lot of Trump coworkers struggle with supporting him. Granted, they hate the idea of voting Hillary, but I’ve offered them what appears to them to be a somewhat acceptable compromise: vote for Hillary (or don’t vote in president race at all - in GA, that’s as good as voting for her), and then vote Republican down ballot all the way. I tell them, that way you avoid the Trump disaster but you also keep a check on Clinton. They actually seem to think this is a decent proposal, which, if you know anything about north Georgia voters, is pretty amazing.
In the end, if she wins by 10 points or so, which is entirely possible, she’ll get the Senate and quite possibly the House with, as an added bonus, a Republican Party in complete and total meltdown Civil War mode. It’s almost too much to imagine.
That’s right baby!
The whole day through!
Enjoy spending money in Georgia, RNC.
Wonder if this poll result comes entirely from the recent trumplosion or if Hillary–or possibly just the Clinton name–still has some appeal down South.
Agreed, it’s an “aspirational” goal, heh heh. But there’s some indication that the votes are there, but they aren’t showing up at the polls:
Just looking at Nate’s “what would it take” app, say we can get the college-educated white vote to 50-50 (it was 56R / 44D last election), keep non-college-educated white vote the same (I know, that’s an assumption, but still…), both with same turnout. Keep black vote / turnout identical to last election. And let’s assume Trump’s anti-hispanic rhetoric turns off some percentage of Hispanic voters – I’ll assume only 6%, but it easily could be higher than that.
Net result is 77% Democratic vote from Hispanic voters. That alone wouldn’t switch Texas. But if we bump up the Hispanic turnout from a really quite medicore 48% (2012 election) up to 65%, Texas flips. Granted, that’s a huge leap in turnout in one election, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
Speaking of interesting polls. The one shown here claims only 30 percent of republican voters actually like Trump. Man I’m hoping for the massive landslide it would seem to predict!
“And that was the night that the lights went out in Georgia!”
How lovely this would be if the antipathy of Trump “trickles down” to all races, resulting in, inter alia, that ur-POS Joe Arpaio finally getting thrown out of office!
BTW: Evidently the ONLY thing negative at the moment the MSM and cable news readers can find to harp on concerning Clinton are the ~gasp!~ comments she made to Chris Wallace about …the emails!!! Jake Tapper is on a fucking loop replaying her comments and those of the FBI director, and Tapper has been going on about it for days.
This is obviously a case of having an abundance of riches, a cornucopia of lies on a daily basis, from the Trump campaign and this ONE misunderstanding and dust up from Clinton. It’s given equal weight with the truckload of bullshit from Trump and is a monumental case of false equivalence.
I think double digits is definitely possible, simply because of what Josh has been reminding us of for months – Trump’s campaign is based entirely on winning. If this stretches out to a month of bad polls, the campaign implodes as even his diehard supporters ask themselves, “How’s he possibly gonna make America great when his campaign is in such shambles?”
It’s only one poll but man, this made my day. I remember the talk in 2008 about Obama putting GA in play. He ended up losing by 5. What’s interesting is that Obama trailed by 8-10 points at this point in the race and the first poll showing him ahead didn’t happen until October 23.
Jake the Snake is just following orders.
CNN has become the anti-Hillary and Trump apologists network.
Ted Turner weeps.