Discussion: Who Will Win Elizabeth Warren's Endorsement In The Dems' 2016 Race?

Discussion for article #245711

Good article. Warren is definitely in a tough spot. My guess is she’ll wait until it’s pretty clear that Hillary is going to win, but not so long that her support will be seen as irrelevant – say after SC and NV if Hillary wins big in both those races, or after Super Tuesday, if Hillary wins big in those races. That way Warren supporters who are backing Bernie may be more likely to see it as “well she probably likes Bernie’s platform better, she’s just being smart and realistic.” Whereas if she came out for Hillary today, she would be seen as directly blocking Bernie’s path. Of course the wild-card scenario is she endorses Bernie. That would cause quite a stir, to say the least. But I still think another month or so of neutrality, followed by a late-ish endorsement for Hillary, is the more likely scenario.


Why is this not a story in TPM?

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Sounds like the fantasies that the GOP puts out with great regularity.

I kind of hope that she waits to endorse Clinton until after Bernie bows out. That way the endorsement could serve as a olive branch of sorts to, hopefully, help heal/mend any hurt feelings/bad blood between the more left-leaning Democrats that like her and Bernie and the more centrists Hillary Democrats.

Well, Sanders is being harshly critical of Obama’s lack of success with taking WS down, isn’t he? And wasn’t Warren the one who actually helped take some of WS’s power away, by her creation of the CFPB? Much of what Sanders proposes is in the Dodd Frank bill – a creature of Obama’s administration … So why she would “naturally” back Sanders when he is dissing both the man who chose her for the CFPB and who signed Dodd Frank?

Nobody if she’s smart because from here it looks like a total lose-lose. If she endorses Bernie, and Hillary gets elected, Elizabeth didn’t endorse the first woman president and she also loses the party, Planned Parenthood, etc etc. If she endorses Bernie, the arsonists who are his disciples will burn her Progressive creds to the ground.

I hope she’s as smart as she seems to be.

Obviously - I meant in last sentence, if she endorses Hillary, not Bernie.

Why, Saint Bernie, of course! After he names her his running mate when he runs as an independent (despite what he’s said about that) because “this is too important.”

And welcome to another fascinating edition of “Things That Aren’t Actually Going To Happen.”

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The last few days have left me really, really wanting a “no love lost here” button, and maybe a blacklist of people I never want to read again. We are well on our way to being a party that loses due to the bitter, contentious idiots in it. So sick of one trick ponies who add nothing to the conversation except the same whine they had yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that, …

Warren will definitely not endorse Clinton. Clinton made a public challenge to identify just ONE instance where she changed her vote on account of donor money. Here it is: