Discussion: White Trump Rally Attendees Shoving A Black Protestor (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #246773

This echoes the Palin rallies, when over-zealous crowds demonstrated exactly the hate that the Dems were warning against. But this cycle, both the Dems and the GOP establishment are warning. So, even less likely that the haters will prevail.


Destroying their own party with their hatred.

More please!


He’s afraid of black people pushing everybody down and taking over? It’s a good thing we live in a country where authority, political power and personal liberty aren’t and have never been granted according to skin color, then.


…but White Americans are getting fed up…"

Nothing like an on-the-record admission that it is a race thing with these assholes… Not that we really needed any confirmation, but it is nice to hear them confirm it out of their own mouths.


A few days ago someone said (something to the effect) in a comment that they weren’t sure Rump was intentionally unleashing these racist forces OR if he’d be able to control once they were out. I think that’s about right. Rump has clearly “crossed the Rubicon” at this point with regard to stoking racial hatred. He may not care one way r the other because for him, it’s all about adoration. He doesn’t care who the hell adores him so long as it’s comin’ in.

I have no idea where this goes but we’ve absolutely passed the point of no return on this point as a society. It’s one thing to rip the veneer of civility off of the Rethug Party; I think it’s another thing to allow out of control hatred toward various groups to run completely rampant.


Drumpf: People who don’t abide by White Party rules will simply have to suffer. Sorry, life is tough, get used to it.


I agree. It seems like there was a recent time in this country (far, far away…) when we understood racism was still in the country but it was on the ropes in terms of the general society. I think that after the 1970’s, Americans were starting to realize that racism was not a thing to be understood and ignored and/or certainly not celebrated. It appears as if we’re going back to some truly primal stage in our national history.


I’ve been seeing this video all day in my FB feed. People, especially white folks, are very, very angry this bullshit happened and that it happened here. There were several anti-Trump events all over town at churches and other venues. This is NOT Louisville.


Ladies and gentlemen, your presumed GOP presidential nominee!


Yes, we know sweetie…you wouldn’t be such a bigoted racist if those pesky ‘barking’ brownskins didn’t MAKE you.

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Looks like it was mostly two particular festering White shit stains doing the shoving and name calling–the guy in the Make America Hate Again hat, and the veteran-looking guy shoving the woman to the end of the video. You just know that both of those sub-human monsters have clean white sheets and hoods hanging in their closets at home. I’d like to hire this Scotsman to kick both of them high and hard.


Each time people get more accustomed, get more used to, get more normalized, get more subservient…

The racists have always been here, Trump has allowed them to come out. Because of his unmatched ability to dissemble to brain-dead MSM-hacks, Trump can assert/deny/assert/I dunno/deny/assert/assert/deny/deny…

Until commercial break


I have no doubt that Kentucky and certain other states have worked assiduously in the last few decades to overcome the perception of ignorance, hate and general backwardness. It must anger you to no end that these sh*t stains are regressing certain states (and the country, in general) backwards to a baser time. I know it makes a lot of us absolutely apoplectic.


The Republican implosion continues…


I think the media is LARGELY to blame for this although not completely.

These past few years there’s been a normalization of anger. Rage junkies who lash out at most anything are allowed to seem perfectly justified. Last night, I caught some of Chuck Todd’s panel on NBC (ugh) and at one point they brought up Rump’s appeal. All of them claimed that he appeals to Americans who are ANGRY about, well, things.

And they all just nodded their heads as if these insane Americans going off on their benders of fury were entirely justified at their anger despite the fact that no one seemed to be able to pinpoint the specific reason for it. Actually, no one on the panel even tried. It was just a given that Rump was channeling their fury. End of analysis.

EDIT TO ADD: On second thought, the panel chalked up Rump’s appeal as Americans angry at the government. But, again, it was considered normal that Americans are angry at the Feds with NO IDEA on what to do or how Rump would change it.


Well, they’ve lost their jobs and most of them have neither the skills or foresight to re-create themselves to the world as it is today. They took this country away from the red-men and messicans fair and square and cannot handle seeing it slip away from their grasp.

Most of these people grew up telling themselves that the jobs would always be there for them and that their unions would take care of them if push came to shove. When our economy shifted from manufacturing things to being a services and information based economy they were completely unprepared. And rather than re-tooling themselves most of these folks sought comfort in blaming those not like them and their friends.

Racism (tribalism) will never be totally eradicated, during good times it goes dormant but is always ready to flare up again when the tribal norms are threatened. History does repeat itself.

It’s sad to see this happening and while disturbing I don’t see it as particularly threatening. Our country is nothing like Germany in the early thirties. We’re far more diversified culturally and our tolerance has far greater resiliency.

After tRUMP and the Grand Old Tea Party go down in flames this November we need to find some salves to heal our wounds. And not from this election but from the past seven years of GOTP/Limbaugh/Fox/Hannity/Beck/Ingraham/Coulter and so many others who have fanned the flames of hatred and fear to bring us to where we are today.

Our First Amendment is a uniquely American concept. There must be some means of protecting it from being abused as it has been for too long now.

Perhaps a modernized version of the “Fairness Doctrine” would be a nice starting point.


Shouldn’t the guy pushing out the protester be wearing a black shirt?

Oh come on!

White bullies shoving a black woman…this is the America under a president trump…or cruz!

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Lawrence schooled. He brought out the CROSSTABS on those “angry” Trump supporters…that almost 70% of Trump supporters think Obama is a Muslim. That Trump KNOWS he can’t build a Mexican Wall. In short.

That most of it is bullshit racism.

The fact that O’Donnell said this in refutation of GOP-Hack Steve Schmidt (who, like Michael Steele, is ready to roll with Trump) make it sweeter.

IF Trump gets the GOP nomination, an age-cohort of kids old enough to process some of the filth coming from Trump will be permanently damaged.

And even if we manage to beat Trump, ALL of us will lose part of our souls in doing so. Sometimes I wish I had never talked to German survivors of Nazism.