To be fair, the KKK is not totally on board with that slogan. They’d prefer “Make America white again”
Why are we calling this guy a “white nationalist”? He’s a white supremacist, a virulent racist - don’t let him decide how he wants to pass himself off.
“…voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage,” Duke said
Then I’m a f^cking traitor David.
(Is there a racist anywhere-- more comfortable in his own slithery skin than Duke?)
“Make America Hate Again!!” Go, Trump, bring on the hate!!
Oh the irony of the white supremacist crying “traitor” as he stands before the flag the traitors in the Civil War marched behind. Is Trump making it okay for all the racists to come out from under the rocks yet again?
David Duke___Oh hell yes! All right! The true spokesman for the Republican Cult has spoken.
Be sure to pick up the ‘new and improved’ version of the Trump meme hat:
#Yes We Klan’!
Simple answer: Yes.
And as I said the other day, it’s just a question of time before Trump uses the ‘n-word’ and his supporters will eat it up.
“I am telling you that it is your job now to get active. Get off your duff. Get off your rear end that’s getting fatter and fatter for many of you every day on your chairs. When this show’s over, go out, call the Republican Party, but call Donald Trump’s headquarters, volunteer,” he said.
But he’s not endorsing Trump. Silly me, sure seems like it to me.
Duke continued: “You’re gonna meet people who are going to have the same kind of mindset that you have. Educate them.”
So you’ll have one doofus educating another…about something they both agree on. Harvard, watch out!
David Duke decoding “Heritage” and “Values” for those of you not already familiar with Jim Crow speak.
…no need for hippie punching here.
whether they vote HRC or not, It is best to try to keep them in our tent for later elections.
they are at the start of their voting age and Bernie is attracting them to the Dem party, no need to turn them off because they are venting frustration with the DNC and media for their perceived parts in trying to steer the nomination toward HRC.
I say “perception” not because I think they are mistaken, but because many HRC perceive the opposite to be true and I care not to have the discussion on who’s perception is correct…
That is Trump’s entire schtick…
gone are the dog whistles, bullhorns are now the style…
if republicans understood irony this would be a problem for them, as they don’t we can make jokes they don’t understand…
this is why it took until the WH correspondence dinner for them to get that Colbert was not an actual repub blowhard…
I’m waiting for the brown shirts and jackboots. Should be any day now.
Without the government-imposed Fairness Doctrine restricting our First Amendment rights, we enjoy the full panoply of unfettered opinion…Let Freedumb Ring!
If anyone is making some differentiation between Andrea Mitchell (who misleadingly said that Obama was confronting Congress by submitting a SCOTUS Nominee to the Senate) and David Duke, rest assured it is a matter of degree.
The degree being Senate obstruction versus the lie that provides the pretext for it.
The lynch rope, versus the lie that provided the pretext for it.
SMH - On the one hand, statues of Confederate generals are being taken off their pedestals in Southern states, and the stars and bars has been run down the flag pole almost everywhere. On the other hand, David Dukes is openly campaigning for the GOP frontrunner.
You could not make this shit up.
What hath Donald Trump and Roger Stone wrought?
Michael Steele provides for me a fantastic opportunity to just gaze upon the power of organizations (and the Fat Checks those organizations bring) in skewing people’s conversations to rooting for those who want to kill, deport or enslave them.
He also said Trump’s presidential campaign is “waking up millions of Americans.”
Yup. We’re waking up to discover how many members of our society are bigoted, racist, xenophobic liars who want to re-create slavery, take all rights away from women, and return to the primitive society of the 1300’s. Yup, that’s what we’re waking up to discover.