Yes but only the salon quality of Vidal Sassoon can keep it looking so nice.
I can just see the political ads against Trump now.
That looks like Downton Abbey LOL
Trump should reject the endorsement. But he won’t.
Wow, I didn’t know that voting for the “wrong” candidate is now tantamount to treason. Thanks for setting the record straight, you white trash POS.
On his radio show….WTF?
And not just because of a simple failure to do the right thing. He actually stands to gain by having people bring this up. He can write off any mention of it as an attacker “playing the race card” and his popularity with the xenophobes will be through the roof.
You have to admit, David Duke would be the one to know about committing treason.
Seig Heil Herr Duke!
Well in fairness, he didn’t say treason against America, he said it was treason against his heritage. And his heritage is of a white racist segregationist misogynist. You know… a Trump supporter. In that sense, what he said was 100% correct.
“White nationalist” is a bit of a white wash. Don’t we have any stronger terms TPM?
Ah, the KKK endorses Trump. Make American great again!
White redneck racist says what?
Here’s one of “The Blacks” that “love” Trump:
Shouldn’t this waste of a suit-in-a-can be burning a cross or practicing his knots somewhere?
Can’t wait to see Melon-ie’s plans for red-flocking for the Lincoln bedroom.
Sadly, however, there are a handful of dreadlocked white boys who will find it insufficient motivation to vote for Shillery if she steals the nomination by getting the most delegates in the primary. I expect we’ll get along fine without them if it comes to it, however.
I was just about to say Duke’s notion of “treason” is somewhat muddled when his pronouncement of treason by voting is made while standing in front of the flag that is the very epitome of treason. Then I saw you already said it in fewer words.
I have the same impression. It would really come full circle if the recent BLM protester to Hillary Clinton could be transported back to 1863 and say to Ulysses Grant that if he didn’t act more “sensitively” to blacks then they would sue to remove Union troops from the battle theatres.
The multitudes of anti-Establishment Presidents (in the spiritual world) support The C0mmitted in the Revolution!!