Discussion: White Nationalist Coast Guard Pleads Not Guilty To Drug And Firearms Charges

Hasson’s lawyer: “Your honor my client was storing the guns for a friend, didn’t know there were two silencers in the pile. And the same for the drugs, just holding not distributing.”


Hasson: “I was only pursuing my harmless, therapeutic hobbies.”


All he has is a public defender? Also, sounds as if the feds were deliberately trying to give him an out to an easy plea.

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I expect him to get probation since he has led an “otherwise blameless life.”


I play a game where I skip the byline and first sentence of some articles. I can always spot the (AP) articles by their last sentence.


Holding out for a pardon, maybe? It worked for the Bundys.

Is that a direct quote?

And how did the judge handle all the laughter in the courtroom afterwards?

Nope, just pulling from my vast Law & Order arraignment proceedings.

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Any moment now we’ll hear from Iowa’s Steve King who will fully support Hasson as long as he promises to restrict his attacks/murders/bombings to blacks, liberals, progressives, gays and atheists.(It would be a literary challenge for the real “Stephen King” to come up with a horror character heinous enough to accurately depict Steve King)

Ah but think what Stephen King could do with a character based on Mo Brooks?