Discussion: White House Weighs In On House GOP's New Social Security Ploy

Discussion for article #232080

Just get rid of the goddamn fica limit. problem solved.
even better, get rid of bonehead and mcturtle, bigger problems solved.
errr, I need another coffee.



Thanks for publishing this.


If Republicans don’t watch themselves this is going to turn in to a giant unforced error just in time for the 2016 election.


On THIRD cup of coffee…Agree wholeheartedly, lift the cap!


“Arbeit Macht Frei” ~ GOP slogan


“Generally speaking,” “generally opposes”…Would it kill you to take a firm stand without the wiggle words?


It shouldn’t be all that hard for Dems to stonewall these attempts and gain Indies’ support at the same time.


Yup. Unless someone in the House or Senate leadership exercises some restraint and control, we’ll see White House driving the emoprogs into a frenzied rage, playing the grown-up and making noises about compromises that have some perfectly reasonable sounding provision that the GOP considers a poison pill (like, say, increasing the FICA limit) embedded in them.

The White House will ignore the frenzy and keep paying out more and more rope to the Republicans and then, when the goobers put their heads into the noose and jump off the cliff, the MSM will marvel at the unforced error, the emoprogs will angrily insist that the Republicans saved Obama from another catastrophic blunder like the last time and no one will give the the White House any credit until, oh, four or five years from now after the memoirs and biographies are written.


And what will our HEROIC dem politicians do besides roll over and play dead? Nothing.


WHy does LIBtards WAN’t TO crap ON OUR sociaL SAFEty net?Only rePUBLICANS want TO Save SOcial SEcurity.

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Yeah, I picked that up as well. I’m glad they came out and said something but it’s still pretty weak sauce.


Is there anything that the President can do? Or is this something completely within the jurisdiction or the Congress?

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The sign over the gates of Auchwitz prison camp for the historically illiterate.

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I was always struck by the efficiency of death camp administrators to estimate the value of each person they worked and starved to death. The diet starved the slave slowly enough to wring the maximum profit for the corporations that used them.
This doesn’t have anything to do with Republican policy, of course. I wish…


Wow! The White House has offered a solid, rousing defense of Social Security in their statements in this story! I’m just brimming with confidence that Obama and the Democrats will absolutely do the right thing and defend Social Security and Medicare and Disability programs against the onslaught of greed and stupid by the Republicans. Yup. I’m real confident. Yup yup yup. Sure am. Uh huh.


Rub their friggin’ noses in this over the next two years.
Scare the shit out of seniors and millenialls (sp?).
I like the analogy by someone here of an unforced error by Boner’s team.


Make it a decaffeinated

Now I really am starting to believe in Obama’s magical powers. So, when for months in 2011 he bought the Republican frame on the deficit, letting that issue dominate the conversation instead of, say, job creation, and then almost reached a terrible grand bargain with Boehner, he was really using cynical judo, knowing that Boehner would fail to bring his caucus along?


It’s especially amazing, considering that it’s the complete opposite of the explanation that the administration was giving everyone at the time.


Steve,I like your posts, but WTF is an emoprog? Better question: Where have I been?

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