Discussion: White House Wanted Correspondents Chair To Condemn Politico Article


Free Speech for me not for thee.


To coin a phrase, it’s the job of reporters to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.


Poor Donnie. He thought that once elected he would be loved. He thought the national press would be like the “reporters” for the tabloids of the 1980s.


Bullshit. Reporters are not supposed to be balanced. If they were supposed to be balanced then where are the comments from the flat earth society telling us that the Malaysian Airline plane that went missing had fallen off the edge of the earth?

They are supposed to be accurate and factual. They are supposed to provide their readers a better understanding of the world around them. They are supposed to guide their readers through all the bullshit and the vested interests, and this will necessarily require them to pick sides. The difference is the side they pick should be based on truth and reality as best as we can know it and not based on who is lining their pockets.

And with an administration as corrupt as the Trump administration, which constantly lies, and more importantly, tries to undermine the very basis of democracy on which journalism depends, an anti-Trump position is basically a prerequisite for anyone to call themselves a journalist, until the administration stops reflexively lying.


You can’t always get what you want, eh, Donnie?


One more attempt to turn the US into a banana republic.


More Old Navy republic. Banana Republic is far too upscale for them.


Trump used the media to create his ‘brand,’ his ‘public persona.’ He’s still doing it.

Rather than get defensive about these sorts of ‘attacks,’ members of the media should shrug their shoulders, chortle a bit and say, “there he goes again.”

Trump needs the media to do his bidding. Don’t play by his rules.


So Trump says “fake news” is distorting democracy? I wonder what exactly he thinks democracy is and doubt he has even the dimmest understanding of the importance of freedom of the press. In his world, the press should function as nothing more than the voice of his administration.

Pity he didn’t (and doesn’t) think that “fake news” distorts democracy when it came/comes to Obama. Or Hillary Clinton.


Trumpp is a bad nut.


I watched Joy Reid over the weekend – and was really impressed at how hard she pushed back at trump surrogates false claims, having her producers fact check every time they tried to obfuscate with some “both sides do it” nonsense. This should be the norm, not the exception.


Loved it when she had Scopes handy to shut down the “Hillary sold 20% of the uranium” asshole.


Trump thinks the U.S. is Venezuela.


I´d be more sympathetic to his general concept of ¨fake news¨ if his idea of ¨real news¨ wasn´t Fox and Friends.


It’s not the “fake news” that’s distorting our democracy, it’s the fake president.


I saw that too. Joy doesn’t take shit from anyone.


Damn, you’re really “priming the pump” for good discussion with that turn of phrase!


I am certain there are a few rich who believe they are “afflicted” as well as more than a few poor who believe they are “comfortable”.

Personally, were I “king”, I would stop all government aid to corporations, including “military actions”, among other things. If a “corporation” cannot survive without government intervention, then, perhaps, that corporate model is not viable. Force pharma. to compete on the global market, without exception. Fulfill all promises in full, there should be no reason for charities like “Wounded Warrior” etc. and so on.

The government should be "of the people, by the people … " etc. and so on. Not just some.

Joy is a journalist, one of a very few.


It does need to be pointed out that the trump surrogates sent to AM Joy were not the “all-stars” and seemed ill-prepared, especially for an aggressive host. One thing I found unnerving was watching them sit there smiling while Joy and the rest of the panel destroyed their arguments. Was that the feeble grin of embarrassment, or the sly smile of satisfaction that they’d basically accomplished their purpose – which was to plant more far right propaganda. The more shit they spew, the more they seem to think it will stick. If the entire press corps doesn’t call them out on it consistently, the disease gains another foot hold. Its already infected almost half our population – and truth proclaimed just isn’t enough of an antidote. I don’t actually think minds are changed by these media exchanges – because we are watching different news outlets which reliably confirm our own beliefs. The only choice we have is to overwhelm them with numbers – and if we have a current government which refuses to take precautions against more Putin meddling, we are going to find ourselves again blindsided by the negative outcome.