Discussion: White House: Video Of South Carolina Police Shooting 'Awfully Hard To Watch'

Discussion for article #235147

Interesting… Anyone want to put odds on the first FoxNews contributor to say this comment is gubmint overreach and a deprivation of our freedumb?

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And how outrageous it is for this White House to BLAME LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS WHO RISK THEIR LIVES EVERY DAY etc. etc. etc. with the obvious subtext if not explicitly stating how they’re the real racists for dividing rather than uniting the nation!!! The first rule of Racist Club is do not talk about Racist Club! Seriously, it writes itself, that stuff.


Fox News’ James Rosen during the same press conference…

“You understand that nowhere in your remarks earlier on this subject in the briefing did you take pains to say that the individual who is captured on the videotape, and who now faces murder charges, is entitled to due process, or is presumed innocent until proven guilty, the existence of the videotape notwithstanding, you did not include that in your remarks.”


The cop is entitled to have the burden of proof at his trial treated as a societal norm that everyone must adhere to in their thoughts and statements even in the face of video evidence of the crime. However, whenever a black person is gunned down by a cop, any evidence of any misdeed by the victim in the last twenty five years is incontrovertible proof that the dead black male was a “thug” who had it coming.


It is hard to imagine anyone looking at that video and seeing “presumed innocence.” This was flat-out murder. Slager pretty much denied himself “presumed innocence.” But on FOX, up is down, etc. Does anyone know if FOX has shown the video?

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Of course, this policeman seemed to think he was judge, jury and executioner.

No due process for Mr. Scott.


Yep. It didn’t take long for the well he owed child support stuff to come out, as if that’s an assassination level offense. I wonder how many of the people using that as justification, if they were to die suddenly, would have things that came to light that showed they weren’t perfect.


Fox can make you feel the shock the Houyhnhnms in “Gulliver’s Travels” felt when Gulliver explained the human capacity to lie because they immediately saw how immoral it was and how much a perversion of the purpose of language. You feel it with Cruz, too, and to some extent all the others, but Fox has been doing it all day, every day, for year after fucking year, and it still can shock that place inside you that really understands how wrong and bad it is to twist language that way.


‘Awfully Hard To Watch’

“It’s like watching the Reublican National Convention.”

Well it goes without saying that black people, like poor people, all deserve whatever is done to them precisely because of their obdurate refusal to achieve absolute moral perfection and their constant failure to make objectively flawless and perfectly prescient decisions at all times about each and every thing they do.

I know it goes without saying because all conservatives apply that standard but never admit to doing so.


I hope Josh replied, “You’re very observant.” “Next question.”


It is hard to watch. Very hard to watch.

Thanks to Chelsea Manning who languishes in prison, I saw the video of the slaughter of unarmed journalists from a helicopter gunship, and that was hard to watch, too.

At least this murderer is being brought up on charges. In that case, the person who provided the video to the press is the one in prison. Just sayin’ there, Mr. President.

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Who exactly killed the unarmed journalists?

Brainwash an insecure man (for whatever reason), give him a lethal weapon and a “mission.”

Nothing remotely good will ever come from it.

Just saw a longer version of the video. Very apparent the cop dropped the taser near the body and then tried to show another officer that the taser was near the body. It also looks to me that no attempt at aiding the dying man was made. The officers appeared to be nonchalant about the whole thing. They did not rush to aid him. Instead they cuffed him.
The cop rightfully has been fired and charged with murder. But sadly this would’ve been swept under the rug had not a bystander taken the video.


And that is why I avoid watching Fox except for when they broadcast baseball games.

Sure is lucky we all have cameras now to document this sudden increase in previously non-existent police crime.

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Of course it is hard to Watch! A man killed for what? Basically! CAUSE the cop wanted him dead! period! WHY? why no assistance to save his life Immediately No the copper barked more commands and handcuffed him no concern for his life NONE! Plus the ol " "PLANT! " with his taser! Nice move for dirty coppers, thousands of them everywhere! wtf! Nasty bullcrap always being done to black men, by racist cops! not OFFICERS dirty coppers!