Discussion: White House: Trump's First Two Years Were About 'Success' Not 'Oversight'

And what successes were these, other than packing the lower courts with legal minions?

The missing oversight is what brought us to this point. He’ll be lucky to get another two years.


“What Chairman Nadler is missing that the first two years were not about oversight,” Sanders said. “They were about success.”

Then President Fat Ass failed on both counts, didn’t he, Miss Unibrow?


I think he could get more than 2 years… 18-24 seems about right.
Kushner is the one with the real death sentence hanging over him.
Oops, did I say “death sentence”? It’s just an expression, right?


L’Etat, c’est Trump

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Will SHS please list the successes? And then how long it took to get them? Just trying to figure out the productivity rate of a Congress controlled by one party without oversight issues.


Ummmmmmmm…success? OK. Now…about that job of yours Ms. Sarah. You are unable to conduct press events for the WH reporters because there is nothing to report and you’ll ‘let them know’ when there IS but BY GOD AND BY TRUMP you appear on F&F frequently because you have ‘news’?


Will SHS please list the successes?

Hey, he kept the US out of that horrific fighting in Albania!


Sure, he successfully destroyed or severely damaged every long term international alliance we had. He successfully boosted the number and severity of hate crimes in the country. He’s elevated narcissistic gibberish to an art form.

And yes, sarah, oversight of a manifestly corrupt ‘president’ probably does undermine the will of his deplorable base.


Not only that but how much it COST to have those ‘successes’? We know all those tariffs cost the taxpayers a bundle propping up the farmers and the manufacturers that were getting screwed so the GOP kindly paid them off to get them to shut up…


Passing tax cuts that shifted wealth to the top 1%. Putting children of color in cages. Fomenting home-grown terrorism. Destroying international alliances. The list goes on.


Well, Ms. Huckleberry, successes including tax breaks for wealthy, dismantling health care and shutting down the government. Seems since the Rethugs controlled all the branches of govt. and were unwilling to investigate what tRump was doing, we had to wait for the Dems to retake the House before we could bring a little oversight onto the stage. Now, dear Sarah, it’s going to be about oversight till the cows come home.

Sarah is channeling her inner Kellyanne here. I don’t think the idea that the first two years weren’t “about” oversight technically has any rational meaning. And of course clouds of words that give an impression without meaning anything is a hallmark of this administration so brava, Sarah, you’re growing as a propagandist.


I expect the administration to claim the biggest trade deficits ever as a win any minute now.


Didn’t the Reagan administration tend to say “stay the course,” because things getting worse were only a prelude to things getting better?

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You gotttttttttttttt… a tax cut.

Wow, no Republican president with Congressional control ever managed that before. Incredible, mind-blowing achievement. No one has ever done so much, people say.


“What Chairman Nadler is missing that the first two years were not about oversight,” Sanders said. “They were about success.”

What the White House was missing is that the first two years were full of illegal and unconstitutional acts. “Success” is clearly in your POV. The majority of Americans would tend to differ with you on that.

She added that he is undermining the will of the voters who got President Donald Trump elected.

Oh! You mean the minority of American voters??? I gotta tell you, Huckster, the largest majority of American citizens ever will dance in the streets when you and your boss are hauled off in 'cuffs.


What about the will of the voters who elected Democrats to the House of Representatives?


The second two years will be about read the fucking poll numbers, Sarah Slanders, people think your boss is a lying incompentent crook.