Discussion for article #243277
Shades of Trent Lott and the GOP failing to pass anti-terrorist funding when President Clinton specifically requested funding aimed at Bin Laden and others. Lott claimed Clinton was “wagging the dog” because of Monica Lewinsky.
I’m not a big fan of these AUMFs – just look what GWBush did with it. A declaration of war should be the goal, one debated on and passed by Congress.
That said, those bitching at President Obama for every little thing they perceive wrong with our nation’s battle(s) with ISIS and such have only themselves to blame. Be bold – Declare war and fund it.
TPM: The commenting for your Apprentice/Trump story isn’t working.
Put up or shut up!
If there were a Republican president in office, it already would have passed with requisite chest thumping. But, with a Democrat in office, and especially “this one” you can’t give any credit where it “may” be due. In any case, as with Benghazi, the lack of support/funding (and whatever outcome happens) is on them.
To a fair degree, Trent Lott is responsible for a lot of murder and mayhem in our nation – and the resulting police-state atmosphere, travelling nightmares, etc. It goes without saying that GWBush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi and so many others headline that column but Lott should get his fair spotlight here as well.
Here comes the refusal to do so, rationalized with plenty of “he has no plan”, “leads from behind”, “the American people just don’t trust him” and a symphony of “secret-muslim anti-christ non-american trying to destroy the Constitution and establish a Sharia law caliphate” dogwhistling.
First Teatroll to turn the Syrian refugees into hostages with respect to this request for an AUMF wins a cookie.
To be fair, the proper message to TPM was “who gives a fuck and why are you telling us this?” hahaha
President Barack Obama has been, without a doubt in my mind, one of the best PsOTUS we’ve had in many generations. It really pains and saddens me that he–and by extension, the whole nation–has been held back from achieving even far greater things – all because he’s a racial minority! Literally, it makes me want to SCREAM! I get angry enough about how the Republicans try to block anything put forth by a Democrat–unless it somehow strengthens religious or gun rights!!–but, no, these creeps go one step further.
Barack Hussein Obama (and I say his whole name proudly!) has been a great President. He has paved a road where there was none. I am proud to say that I was here when Obama served and proud to say I voted for him. I can only wonder what might have been achieved had he not faced such ugliness, particularly in his first term.
As a 50yo white man born and raised in Appalachia, I am happy to say that I helped our nation to steady and pull itself back from a very deep, multi-faceted hole–one created by the by a dolt and his handlers, along with the uber-wealthy who have no sense of pride in this nation and what it’s supposed to stand for, a canyon so deep we couldn’t see the bottom. Had President Obama not been at the helm to guide us back from the financial brink, who the hell knows where we’d all be right now? I shudder to seriously consider that. Even with so much head wind coming from the Republicans–because they just couldn’t believe they lost … and, and to … a black man at that!!–and the most vile racist corners of this nation, President Obama has helped to right the ship and bring her to calmer waters, economically-speaking. Now, we all know the large majority of us are still hurting a lot, but that’s a 30+ year trend due to Reaganomic piss-trickle policies. Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see how Obama’s last year goes.
Edited to add: All this happened due to an enabling “Fourth Estate,” which really isn’t anymore. It barely exists. It’s been on life support for years now. Thanks to folks like Josh Marshall and the TPMs out there–otherwise, we’d get nothing of real substance at all. Thank you @JoshMarshall.
LOL. Dare I say it? “You’re FIRED!”
Congress… must stop using the fact that these issues are difficult as an excuse for doing nothing.
Why change the successful habits of decades?
Smart political strategy. Will they deny PBO the AUMF thereby aiding and abetting ISIL or will they give him the AUMF thereby trusting that “Muslim traitor” Obama?
It’s hard for Republicans, they just don’t know how to pass legislation. With the Democrats in control of the House from 2006 to 2010, they fell out of practice and just fall prey to the tricks of those icky Democrats at every step.
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Time for Congress to have skin in this game.
They will deny Obama the AUMF by telling him that he can have the AUMF only if he agrees not to take any Syrian refugees, which is clearly a non-starter that gets them out of having to give it to him. (This is what I meant by “turning the refugees into hostages” above).
Now, perhaps he calls their bluff, in which case, I would have to really consider whether the ends justify the means, because 10,000 lives is a lot of collateral damage even if it is in exchange for gaining the authorization to really fuck ISIS into the dirt. Perhaps he can get one of the countries already taking a bunch of refugees to pick up the slack and help the 10,000 people that the heartless fucks in the GOP/Teatrolls were ready to leave for dead in service to their racism and political avarice.
Hunger Games.
That ugliness grew into sheer hatred upon his re-election. As if the world was turned upside down, again, because that black man was still there.
I didn’t think things would be hunky dory, and that the racial animus in this country would go away, with Obama’s election.
I profoundly underestimated, and did not understand, the hatred for this one person.
The entire GOP slate of candidates (and some on the Dem side) seem to be fueled by the thought, unspoken, for sure, that if a black guy could do it, so could I!
Marinate on that, for a minute. And what it reveals.
Interesting time to be alive.
Wishful thinking
The Apprentice is Donnie’s resume. It is all he has to offer as a reason to be POTUS. Beyond he’s rich. Neither of which are adequate qualifications.