Discussion for article #225678
They should not have dignified the Speakers remarks with a reply. Let him stew in his own mess.
Boehner inadvertently tipped his hand: “We have no future plans.”
THAT is the anthem for the Republican party. Losing is on the horizon, even if they take the Senate but maintain the filibuster.
If the possibly Republican Senate eliminates the filibuster, wouldn’t that be interesting?
Disagree. For far too long, and far too often, the Democrats have left GOP lies hanging, without any kind of response. Now the Dems are playing the same game as the GOP, by pushing back and calling them out for the lies they tell, and let’s hope they keep doing it!
The impeachment stunts in the House started the scam and lawsuit. The Dems are simply “gaming” the GOP because of its stupidity.
Even Newt tried to warn you about his experience with a fire that burned out of control.
I so agree…Now if other Dems call Boehner on his lie I will be happy.
It’s tempting to ignore a baby’s cries as unimportant. But when the baby is the speaker of the house, you are justified in confronting him with todays lie.
And if your smart about it you confront him for tomorrow’s lie as well.
“Well if that’s the case then I suspect that there may be members of the Republican conference that didn’t receive the memo,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at his daily briefing, proceeding to rattle off a list of Republicans who have floated impeachment.
“We’ve seen comments in recent months from Congressman Steve King from Iowa, Congressman Ted Yoho from Florida, Congressman Lou Barletta from Pennsylvania, the distinguished Congressman Steve Stockman from Texas; his fellow Texan Blake Farenthold has raised this prospect. We’ve even seen Kerry Bentivolio from Michigan call this a dream come true. I think that was about 9 or 10 months ago,” Earnest said. “So that’s an indication that if the case then maybe the Speaker should direct that attention and that message to members of his own conference.”
Now that’s a fucking “torch”!
Go Josh!!!
Come on Boehner, bear-hug that third rail some more. Be sure to loudly, repeatedly, and in full-frothing rage, scream that you have no intention of impeaching Obama.
(wry grin)
Absolutely precious!
The WH was ready with names and even an exact time frame for one of Boehner’s soldier’s remarks. Boehner walked right into that punch.
Please proceed Mr. Boehner
I guess Speaker Boehner hasn’t been listening to what the more psychotic and psychopathic members of his party have been saying for the past several years.
Normally, foolish remarks would not merit a response. But in this case, as in MANY others since Inauguration Day 2009, foolish remarks have been allowed to fester and cross-pollinate, to the detriment not just of the President and the Democratic Party but also of the country as a whole.
But when the Speaker of the House of Representatives continually and continuously refuses to speak for the sense of his own part of the House, or even for himself, there comes a point that he should no longer be allowed to be unaccountable. If he doesn’t feel confident in his position, then he should step down, even if it means that a psychopath takes the place of a somewhat involuntary sociopath. It’s long past time for Boehner and the other Republiscum to be told to fish or cut bait!
Has he even denounced “Second Amendment remedies”? Only vaguely in response to the shooting of Gabby Giffords and murder of an aide, a federal judge, and several other people. Although prior to the 2010 election, he did assert that at least one Democratic congressman from Ohio who supported Obamacare was a dead man who couldn’t return home.
I am sure the Dems will continue to give Boehner some “Punch-Drunk Love”.
Perhaps Obama has been using an old Jedi Mind Trick to plant thoughts of impeachment in the feeble brains of conservative politicos.
Well he certainly has distinguished himself. Of course you could say the same thing about any goat-fucker.
I think Boehner chose his words very carefully. Saying “We have no plans to impeach the president” gives him the wiggle room he wants to be able to change his plans when he realizes, once again, that he doesn’t have the balls to stand up to the crazy in his own party. Then it will become something along the lines of “We had no plans, but Obama made us do it (by governing when we refused to).” The Dems are just egging him on and I, for one, am getting a kick out of watching them do it.
Next, Boehner will claim he doesn’t know or ever heard of Sarah Palin.
All the money the Dems have raised off of this says it was a good move. Letting Boehner stew in his own mess would have left millions of dollars in fundraising on the table – which of course speaks to the fact that impeachment talk lays bare the GOP’s out-of-control radicalism.
But l don’t agree with mapleaflover (even though I am a Maple Leaf lover!): Pushing back is different from playing the same game as the GOP.
John Earnest should have noted that Boehner’s recently elected third-in-command seems to disagree with him. The dysfunctional House leadership serves as a warning that Americans must need to get out to vote this year for Senate candidates who are interested in moving this country forward, not in playing political games that amount to saying “no” to any sincere effort to solve big challenges.