Discussion for article #223607
Do not budge ONE…SINGLE…INCH.
I know this is conspiratorial but I really wonder if the President was baiting the conservative wackadoodles with the timing and other details of the swap announcement. It certainly has them slobbering over themselves to be the most vicious in attacking the President, Susan Rice, this young man, and his parents. They really are lost in their own far right bubble right now.
Flies swarm. As do mosquitoes. And so do feckless GOPers.
The RWNs have been salivating at the thought of another shot at a faux scandal, and here it is. BERGHAZI!!! .
Dear Ms. Rice:
As a suggestion; why not become a Republican? You can then go on as many talk shows as you want, lie with impunity, and no one will raise even a hint of a fuss.
Your Friend,
It has certainly brought out a foaming, ugly disrespect for soldiers that caught me off guard. A willingness to hate mom and apple pie as long as it meant hating Obama - Obama derangement syndrome at its most irrational.
The GOP doesn’t believe in “innocent until proven guilty”.
GOP are f#cking traitors to this nation. Somebody ought to start using the word “treasonous” to describe their conduct.
This should show Americans just how vicious and anti American republicans can be. They pretend to be for apple pie and the American flag, but won’t even fund veterans to have healthcare. All the red state governors who won’t expand Medicaid are denying thousands of veterans to have healthcare.
If he did bait the GOTP the President did a great job and should continue to bait them until November so people will see the crazies they are voting for…
The crazies lost the battle of Bull Run and the herd charges at the slightest tint of red or black, these days. Holder and Rice are good substitutes for the Matador Obama.
“I’m not here to suggest it’s because she’s a woman or a minority or what it is,” the official said. “But other principals in the national-security team don’t come under this kind of attack.”
“Either she doesn’t know her facts or she doesn’t know how to string together accurate sentences,” Fleischer told Fox’s Gretchen Carlson.
This is rich coming from the piece of shit who worked for the administration that lied us into an unnecessary war. But the second quote above actually makes the point of the first quote. Fleischer is basically calling her stupid and dishonest. Now, there’s absolutely nothing, not a damn thing to merit calling some so brilliant “stupid”. This is just plain old GOP racism. They most viciously attack the folks in the administration who are women, minorities, or Jewish. It happens over and over and over again. These people are disgusting.
I’m glad the administration is finally calling it what it is, racism. It’s been racism all along. It’s incredibly naive to think this is somehow just like what they did to Clinton. No, it’s not. Sure, they were mean to him, they opposed him and shut down the government, and even impeached him (technically, it was an impeachable offense however ridiculous and stupid the circumstances were), but they never did things like threaten to bring down the world economy through the debt ceiling or create hay over him bringing home a POW. There was never this unquenchable rage at every move he made and at everyone within his administration. They never tried to destroy the country in the way they have repeatedly done under Obama. The quicker Democrats and the administration start making it clear that racism is largely behind the rabid dog like opposition to Obama, the better.
Rice’s description of Bergdahl has also given fodder to conservatives who are fixated with the White House’s apparent political miscalculation in the prisoner swap that secured the soldier’s freedom.
Really? What “miscalculation”? Just because the right wants to do what they do does not mean it was a “miscalculation”. Do we all really believe that the Obama administration did not know their enemies would act this way? The GOTP are the ones looking like fools right now, scrubbing their tweets and spending all their time explaining why they have flip-flopped. Also, trashing the family looks real good too. This is just another situation that exposes their hypocrisy.
What’s wrong with Susan Rice? Well, she’s smart, educated, female, black, and an Obama insider.
That’s all the wingnuts need.
The only thing these folks hate worse than a black man with power, is a black woman with power.
I think the timing made it so that the right wouldn’t be aiming their entire firepower against his climate proposals.
and Hillary…
That’s a good point. I’m agnostic about 11th-dimensional-chess, but if it’s “happenstance,” it’s another in a long string of “fortunate coincidences.”
Unless it is their black woman with power, then they don’t know what the f&^* to say or do.