Discussion: White House Slams Carson: Muslim Remarks 'Entirely Inconsistent' With Constitution

Discussion for article #240811

Yeah, but let’s be honest.

There’ve been thousands of stories on this in the last two days.

Carson is in third place, I think, behind Carly and Donald. What’s to say the publicity, freer and more widespread than the debates last week, doesn’t ratchet him up a few points?

And three million Muslims? Wouldn’t that be great if the margin between the two candidates was somewhere around that number, the difference between winning and losing?

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BS, nobody is going to care over a year from now what Carson said about whether or not he would support a Muslim for President.

Carson is not and was never going to be the Republican nominee, neither is Trump, neither is Fiorina, neither is …outsider. The nominee is either going to be Bush, Kasich or Rubio vs Hillary or Biden.

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Wait a minute. Don’t discount Rick Perry on a strong write-in vote!


All in the same handwriting. His.

…yeh…like the 9-9-9 guy.

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Just like that. Romney didn’t lose because Cain’s 9-9-9 plan.

No, Romney lost because he was/is an out of touch Republican who didn’t represent the views of the majority of Americans.

Same reason any of the remaining Republicans are going to lose the Presidency in 2016. :wink:


I have friends and family who keep bouncing from one outsider to the other, claiming that is what the country needs an outsider like Reagan. Of course Reagan by current GOP base would be considered an establishment hack.


Well see in a little over a year from now.

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Andy Borowitz (the New Yorker’s political humorist) had the best headline on this today:

Ben Carson Shattering Stereotype About Brain Surgeons Being Smart

Couldn’t have said it better myself


Trump is going to be the nominee.

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And so will this haunt Missouri Republicans come election day:

A Jeff City art flap, as politicos use a Benton mural as a writing surface


These GOP Pharisees, Philistines and bigots have no shame.

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So now we’re certain Carson has read neither the Constitution nor the Bible. Certainly neither Article VI, paragraph 3* nor Leviticus 25:44-46**.

*but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.[a]

**However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.

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Trump will be at no more than 15% by the time primaries actually start. He is essentially the 2016 version of Ron Paul. He has a very vocal and solid support, but that support is about 15%.

When did Carson say that being a Muslim made someone disqualified from running for President? He said, that he would not support a Muslim for President and that he thought Islam was incompatible with the Constitution because of importance it places on adhering to Sharia Law.

Charles Koch will come out from behind the curtain and go for it himself.


Pretty funny that a “marine” is trying to defend him. Heh.


He’s repeated that claim all over the media today. In what recliner have you been taking a nap while watching Faux News all day?


I don’t think the White House expects Carson to be the nominee, either. What they are doing (and very craftily) is to associate the entire GOP field and party with Carson’s rhetoric. To the extent that effort by the White House is effective, it will pay dividends for the Democratic nominee.