Discussion: White House Says Trump Has 'No Intention' To Fire Special Counsel

So that means Trump is going to fire the special counsel?


Bully issuing a threat

Jimmy Carter shakes every hand on a plane.

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The president was pleased by the ambiguity of his position on Mr. Mueller, and thinks the possibility of being fired will focus the veteran prosecutor on delivering what the president desires most: a blanket public exoneration.

So … obstruction, then?


Yup, that’s Drumpfie’s MO.

…and there’s your proof right there that it’s going to happen.

I’m expecting more shoes to drop about the Mayflower hotel meeting.
Sessions is on the record now with a vigorous denial of “relations” with Kislyak. There’s more info, for sure.

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The president was pleased by the ambiguity of his position on Mr. Mueller, and thinks the possibility of being fired will focus the veteran prosecutor on delivering what the president desires most: a blanket public exoneration.

I just can’t wait for the next episode of the Reality Show Presidency starring Donald Trump.

The president was pleased by the ambiguity of his position on Mr. Mueller, and thinks the possibility of being fired will focus the veteran prosecutor on delivering what the president desires most: a blanket public exoneration.

  • Does that mean he thinks that he is being investigated?
  • How can you freaking conclude that after pissing off FBI?

So while Dizzy Donald keeps us all tuned in for his next move what’s going on with:
Healthcare (plotting behind closed doors)
Russian intrusions into 39 state’s voting data bases
The Budget
The Tax Reform

and the list goes on and on.

Is it remotely possible that we’ve fallen for yet another distraction?

It means Trump wants one of those contradictory expressions of support like He gets from the kiddos … like

"nobody from the Trump Organization ever took money from Russians

AND it’s not money laundering when Russians buy Trump condos with money they embezzled from their firms

AND it’s not embezzling when they do it " :confused:

Lie Jeff Sessions, Ms. Goofy said that she spoke on behalf of the White House but did not speak to the President before she announced the White House’s position. She said that she had to protect the right of the President to assert Executive Privilege if he so chooses before he leaves office.

I dunno… If Sean Spicer had come out and said that it wasn’t going to happen, it’d be guaranteed. I guess we’ll see if the pattern holds true with SHS.