Discussion: White House Restricts Press Access To Trump-Kim Meeting

Got something to hide? We know you like to keep things private you wannabe dictator.


Either selling us up the river again or just doesn’t want the embarrassment of a public witness witnessing foreign ministers laughing at him, again.


Why is the AP asking questions? They are just going to print conservative bullshit regardless.


Good lord…Reporters ask questions about tweets Dapper Donnie sent out about Cohen and get banned because they weren’t covering ‘The Summit’…Then they get banned from the dinner…wanna bet how many No. Koreans were in there to be able to spread THEIR propaganda…the Press ‘fights’ back and gets two people in. Meanwhile, in THIS country Rudy and Jr. are INSISTING that of all the known lies in the Trump Universe ONLY Cohen is the real liar and if the DEMOCRATS didn’t hate Trump so much we would KNOW that…and then they all scream ‘fake news’.

one print reporter and a radio reporter were allowed in


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They need some relevant quotes to leave out of their reporting.


He doesn’t want the world to see him negotiating with a terrorist. The US used to condemn such activities.


Bet RT is allowed in.


It’s OK. We can just get our info from the Russians, just like all the other times Trump was out doing his “diplomatic” thing and American press was barred. While Gaetz goes with the very subtle “Nice family you have there,” Trump goes with “See what happens when you ask a question? Learn a lesson here.”

No need for the press. He’s probably just going to discuss hair care products with Kim.


The US still does, Donald and Republicans that stand with him are the ones that have something to hide.

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Sanders initially said no reporters would be allowed into the dinner. But after photographers said they would not cover it without an editorial presence, one print reporter and a radio reporter were allowed in.

SANDS of the SAHARA (AP) We will continue to narrate events as they occur. We will not give particulars as to say, which news organization is chosen to attend an event in which only the 2 leaders believe to be good or useful. The sand here is very hot, and making it difficult for this reporter to breath, but we will continue to do our sterling journalism to inform the public of events that happen. Sand is used in the manufacture of glass, one of the chief exports of Germany.

@squirreltown @socalista

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The New York Post says the print reporter was from the Wall Street Journal - Murdoch’s paper.

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That would be redundant. Putin’s interpreter is already included included in any meetings between Trumpp and Kim.

photographers said they would not cover it without an editorial presence


Speaking of photos – had this been a Dem president meeting Kim, we would have heard no end of mock outrage that the DPRK flag was allowed to obscure the US flag. The RW media would repeatedly feature veterans saying that it was “worse than burning the flag,” and that the Dem president was “spitting in the faces of every veteran who ever fought for the flag and pissing on the grave of everyone who ever died for the flag.”


Sanders initially said no reporters would be allowed into the dinner. But after photographers said they would not cover it without an editorial presence, one print reporter and a radio reporter were allowed in.

That’s what the press needs to do more often: tell the WH that they won’t get what they crave most, publicity, without the press getting to set more of the rules of engagement. The WH will fold every time because cutting off coverage is death to them.