Discussion: White House Reporter Who Pressed Sanders Is 'Tired' Of Being Bullied

There’s no reason to keep being bullied, as you aptly showed skewering the Huckster yesterday.

You’re catching on, maybe your media cohorts will eventually catch on, too?


This woman, just as Trump, is a liar.
And, she is even a mean liar. Just one very nasty woman.
She is lying to the reporters and to us who rely on reporters.


Rick likes the press attention and is too dumb to know he’s being humiliated. I think he should be the new spokesman.

Another corn dog please!


White House Reporter Who Pressed Sanders Is ‘Tired’ Of Being Bullied

That’s quite a feat if he really did press Sanders. I doubt that even world-class weightlifters could press her.


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I doubt she weighs 345 but maybe her dad.

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Next time maybe…

“Fake news? There’s no fake news. No fake news. Actually, you’re the fake! Fake president! You’re the fake!”


The whole idea of ‘fake news’ is fairly oxymoronic or possibly even oxycontinic.

If its fake it isn’t news, its a fairy tale. Real news can be backed up with facts, that’s the acid test.

If Sanders or Spicie are standing at the podium whining about fake news to reporters, what exactly do they think is going to be reported on.
The White House claim of fake news of course, which gets shot down with facts.

They are asking for it. Please prove our childish, insane, pathetic claims of victimhood wrong so we can whine about that too, boo fricking hoo!

Obviously the Trounce administration considers this their best play, the oooooold Russian diversion game.

Think about that.


"Everybody gets so much information every day that they lose their common sense." – Gertrude Stein


Yes, she’s a bully, a liar, and an overall jerk. Could we just criticize her character and not her body?


I feel certain Sarah Huckabee Sanders will never star in Gigi…

In a rational world, there’s really no reason to send in senior press people to cover this administration: Trump routinely lies and plays the press for fools, his representatives lie and do the same, and then Trump throws his representatives under the bus with yet another lie. Save for documenting all of the lies, what is there to cover?

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Here’s an idea. Said it 4 months ago but it’s still relevant today.
How about NOT showing up to the briefings.
Just let them fill it up with Drudge, Breitfart, Alex, Rush and the whole lot of loony losers.
National Enquirer can have the front row.
Or send actual kids to sit there and giggle.
If the White House won’t take this seriously then what’s the point in wasting time covering them.
The real news is not the so called President.


Ergo, you’re a dumb loser like every dumb loser he’s pulled the same trick on.

Follow the rules… to the legal letter of the law… while Trump ignores them and steamrolls right over you while you sputter and fume… like a loser.

How about the hideous scowl on her face? I dib criticizing that.

She looks like someone who hates her job desperately because she has to speak to people for whom she has nothing but contempt. I would love to see her get another job…anywhere except a place that cares for animals…especially not dogs, because genes.

Better idea: 2 people to ask questions and 10 just to do fact-checking.

“I don’t think the press should get in the mosh pit,” he said. “I think they have to be big boys and girls and take the hits.

“The best way to handle this is to just keep working,” Donahue said.

You’ve been in the porch rocker too long, Phil.