Discussion: White House Report: Iran Still Top State Terror Sponsor

A drop in terror attacks in 2015 and 2016? Remind me which failed president who was soft on terror was in office then?


Isn’t it sad that I immediately discount the credibility of anything headed by “White House Report?” After the Trump cabal is history and when some of the terrible policy damage has been undone by future administrations, the legacies of distrust and diminished international stature will remain.


OT but … speaking of State:

When Jonathan Galaviz left his job at a casino consulting firm to go work for the Trump State Department, he didn’t have any concerns about job security. The firm—which consults for at least two Russian state entities, according to its website—proudly announced that Galaviz would be back after his stint at State. Galaviz himself consulted for a Russian government corporation on casino gambling.

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So the USA is a casino for the Trump family. Not surprising, is it?

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