Discussion: White House, On Trump-Taiwan Call: 'One China' Policy Is Key To Security

Trump could not find his ass with both hands. What an idiot the morons of this country elected.


…and a flashlight.


what? a major fuck up a week is too much for you. get used to it.


and a GPS


Seems they’re trying to keep the public statements mild and abstract, talking about security and so forth. I literally cannot think of a more dangerous thing to do than jerk China around over Taiwan.


This is another guy I am going to miss.


“If the President-elect’s team has a different aim, I’ll leave it to them to describe.”

Sorry to disappoint you Josh, but your suggestion would violate the very foundation of Trumpian foreign policy. In matters of state it is important that “We must as a nation be more unpredictable." After all, “I don’t want the enemy to know what I’m doing.”

Be assured there’s no need to worry. “It’s so simple. It’s like the paper clip. . . It happens to be a great idea. But at the right time, I guess I’ll give it.”

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This child will start world war III.


Forget Trump taking us out of NATO… I wonder how NATO is going to feel about US membership when Trump kicks off a war with China…

"Um… Sorry… We’re all about the Atlantic over here. Good luck with that whole invasion fleet coming across the Pacific…

Obama needs to summon drumpf to the WH and hand him his fat orange ass.

Obama and Biden should resign right now and let President Ryan cope with it until Jan 20.

Josh Earnest is, like the President, a “no drama” personality - but he is so focused and effective with his words.

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Transitions in power are always a very dangerous time. This transition is much more so.

With the Washington Post story that Trump’s phone call was a deliberate provocation, I am concerned that US war hawks are pushing Trump into a confrontation with China over Taiwan.

I’ll bet that China is war-gaming taking the island after Trump takes office versus taking it back now. Who would they rather deal with in the aftermath, Obama or Trump?