Discussion: White House: McCabe Is An 'Embarrassment,' 'Has No Credibility'

Does she have any idea of how stupid she looks when she says stuff like this? She is going to be the laughingstock of every history book documenting this administration someday and embarrass her offspring for generations.


Yes, remembering how the WH has been so very supportive of the men and women of FBI in the past


“Can you explain your statement Ms. Press Secretary? Bear in mind, I’ve looked at this as well.”

Says Clark Kent, White House Correspondent of the Daily Planet


Sarah, are you looking in a mirror? Because you’re the one with no credibility and, I hate to be the one to break it to you, sweetie, but you’re a huge embarrassment.


Says the embarrassment with no credibility…


White House: McCabe Is An ‘Embarrassment,’ 'Has No Credibility’

Sez lying Sarah…


Doesn’t matter. This administration is for the 40 percent Deplorables. Every word and action is tuned for their pleasure. And Putin.


Will just one reporter follow up with the question of why the administration hand picked all of these people that coincidentally turned out to be terrible at their jobs and pathological liars?


“In a statement released Thursday she called McCabe a “disgrace” and an “embarrassment” with “no credibility,” according to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.”

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No Sarah, YOU are the Embarrassment who has no Credibility!


All SHS had to do was mention that DOJ IG report, but nooooooooooooooooooooo…


Hey, OT some but has anyone else noticed that the letters AF appear at the upper right above the Prime membership icon? I know this designates my membership as Ad Free, but I just want to say right here that I’m good with it’s alternative meaning. Kinda like it, in fact. Just me?



I believe that in 1942 “AF” was Midway Island. Breaking that code started us winning the War in the Pacific.

“Why does he insist on reminding us that we should have done this before the Trump Stink sank in permanently?”

I hope they are all run out of whatever town they decide to lay roots in. Most especially the †Я☭mp lineage. Anyone who hails from that malignant gene pool should be shamed from the day they’re conceived.

I looked into the cesspool and discovered there wasn’t a soul associated with Team Toadglans who wasn’t a “disgrace” and wasn’t an “embarrassment” and didn’t exhibit “no credibility.” Sounds like more projecting.

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White House: Trump Is An ‘Embarrassment,’ 'Has No Credibility’


When the badly fragrant mouthpiece of the White House says someone is an “embarrassment”, that translates into the normal English language as a “truth teller who offends the White House because they expose us.”

What the ethically repulsive and morally repugnant mouthpiece of the White House claims an individual “has no credibility”, that translates into the normal English language as “we slandered his reputation in order to protect us from exposing our criminal behavior.”

These translations are provided as a public service, something no one in the current White House is known to perform.

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