Discussion: White House Knew About Shanahan Family Domestic Violence For Months

Actually, his family history would be a plus for a majority of the GOPers. Family values means violence for all to them. This one is odd though in that the wife appears to be the violent one but they can claim they give equal treatment to women. It does sound like they did not have guns readily available in the house, otherwise, someone(s) would be dead.


Only the best


The White House Knew…and they didn’t give a fuck because "Family Values "


Nevertheless, President Donald Trump claimed ignorance…

Another day, and Donald Trump is still ignorant.


Facts are stubborn. Some moron believes he can commit reality.

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They are now on the Acting, Acting Secretary tier. I can hardly wait to see who comes in on the Acting, Acting, Acting Secretary of Defense or other Secretary positions. You know Trump will find the best.


What about investigating Rob Porter, the Presidential Secretary and future Mormon Political Superstar, so carefully groomed from Harvard on by Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee before becoming Donald Trump’s Oval Office Secretary with access to classified information. And the two ex wives he battered, one of whom got a court order of protection. One of whom was strong armed by Mormon Church Elder and sitting Senator Orrin Hatch to keep silent about the wife beating she sustained for the sake of the Future Mormon Political Superstar’s “career?” What about that one, why not let’s investigate that one too. And what about the LePage or was it Sunnunnu protege in the White House hired by Trump as a patronage plum who also had to quit for being a wife beater, who Don McGahan and John Kelly (:smile:“women used to be sacred, where I grew up in Southie”) who knew about both? Lets not just stop with Shannahan.

And I bet you there are at least 10 more cases in the administration we have not yet heard of. At least 10.


what happened? stonewalling by the WH clearance office…

Carl Kline now hiding behind exec privilege claims.


They are probably still confused from working on Kutchner’s security clearance problems.


His son beat his wife with a baseball bat.


I hope that family can find a way to heal.



There is a story this morning about “misinformation” and “deception” which is probably going to be the M.O. of the GOP/Trump going forward.

Note that just about all of the scenarios involve people who are dissuaded from voting for Democrats, because of things what look like wrongdoing.

Wrongdoing seems not to matter to GOP voters.

By the way, if I were in Trump’s position, I would see to it that “winning” the 2020 election (utilizing dishonest tactics probably in the dozens) would be a near certainty.

We have got to get ourselves into a position where (a) the deeds of Trump are exposed to the American people AND (b) GOP Congressional support for Trump is seen to be a liability.

If THAT happens, and if we are still dumb enough to STILL allow Trump to be on the Ballot in 2020, the “election” will be simply an exercise with a SEVERELY weakened Trump as candidate: prelude to a Dem BLOWOUT.

Any other scenario in which there is less than a 25 point difference between the candidates is a disaster for this Republic.


A team of surgeons, (craniofacial, plastic and neuro) have done some of that already.

This president believes you can keep fooling people even when the truth is either certain to come out or is already obvious to everyone. He’s uniquely or at least extremely pathological about this. You doubt me? He wouldn’t walk around with his hair like that otherwise.


Last night Rachel Maddow recited a long list of Trump appointments who had domestic violence issues. Trump’s tolerance or indifference to this serious character flaw makes one wonder about him.


That supposedly happened after several hours of her abusing the son. Yeah, the kid should have just left but it is probably impossible to know what really happened and there was likely a coverup by the police because of their social status.


The White House knew about the domestic violence episodes checkering the Shanahan family past…

Nevertheless, President Donald Trump claimed ignorance of the incidents…

“I want to know whether it’s the FBI, or some deliberate concealment by Shanahan,” Blumenthal added,

Why in the hell doesn't that sentence read:

“I want to know whether it’s the FBI, or some deliberate concealment by Shanahan ***or the President***,” Blumenthal added

The next time a Democrat tries to make the case they’re doing the best they can in exercising oversight over the White House inform them they’re full of shit.


This seems to be a pattern. It makes me wonder if their background issues are being used by Trump to keep people toeing the line. “Nice career you’ve got here. It would be a shame if this information got out.”