Discussion: White House Jumper Was Tackled By Off-Duty Secret Service Agent

Discussion for article #228263

one has to wonder what’s going on with the secret service in the obama white house…


I certainly am wondering and everyone else should be too.


He’s lucky he didn’t run into FLOTUS first. That off duty agent saved Omar’s neck.


So basically, the Birchers and Teatrolls now run the SS and are charged with protecting the life of a man they hate. And hey, even SS agents have their Koch-price, eh? Lovely. I have no fucking problem making this outrageous accusation because their fucking failure is so utterly outrageous in its own right that it requires an outrageous explanation. Heads should fucking roll and people should lose their fucking jobs. NOW.


Of all the reports, I was truly horrified by the lack of investigation by the Secret Service officers when shots were fired at the White House in 2011. Perhaps firing them all and hiring better agents is what is required. Whatever it takes, POTUS deserves much better protection, considering he received far more death threats than any other president, according to Secret Service reports.


I’m sure feeling about the same on this issue


300 threats a day


THe SEcREt serVICe MOrale IS in the GUtter. IT’s RANKED at THe boTTOm of the BEst PLAces TO work. It’s RUN by A WOman. NEed I say MORe???


This is starting to sound, smell and taste like it was planned out


Enter Alex Jones, stage far far far far far far right, yelling about false flag operations…

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Just curious, and geez I dread sounding like a Fox News Nervous Nellie. Wouldn’t it have been possible for the intruder to have been packed (in a thick vest surrounding his entire upper torso) enough of the RIGHT explosive components to bring down a significant portion of the White House? There is stuff out there far more damaging than the C-4 you see tossed about in old war movies. I don’t hear this scenario discussed, everything seems centered on whether he could have theoretically harmed the Prez family had they been present.


I hear your point - but the way the White House is bunker designed as a house. You could drive a tank platoon in one wall and out the other and it would hold up.

That having been said they should let fence jumpers “enter” the White House; but contain them in very discreet vestibule thing like not unlike a jewelry shop. Gun them down on the lawn and they are a constant loop on cable news for years. Heck call up the man who did Mr. Burns trap door at the nuclear plant

But ya - you’ve got a point, their threat model is not exactly a modern one