Even if there were protesters at the actual hearings wouldn’t they be fake protesters? Reported on by fake news organizations? Accounts of which you could find in faked Google results? Which would tell the story of Dems displaying fake bipartisanship?
And all of it covered in Cheez-Whiz?
Your tax dollars at work, folks.
Which is entirely suitable for a fake judge who’s the fake nominee of a fake president.
Isn’t it nice that there’s so much controversy swirling around this guy that they think he needs this.
Maybe they should just sit his wife in the front row with a box of kleenex.
Does the Mock Turtle participate ?
He’s still a fraud and unqualified for the bench. I want every liberal leaning member of the legal profession to stop ascribing merit to conservative jurists. They’re not jurists. They’re ideologues trying to upend the Constitution to preserve white and elite privilege, nothing more, nothing less.
The White House is helping Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh prepare for the worst case scenarios during his confirmation hearings next week, including holding mock hearings and staging fake protests, Politico reported.
Ah-ha! See? Paid leftist protesters are real. Here they are again, seeking to destroy our President’s duly elected agenda! This just has to be funded by the filthy money of Democrat billionaire donors who’ve somehow canoodled their way into the White House itself.
It’s a living.
If they need some real protesters, I’m available and can bring along a few hundred friends.
“Worst case scenario”? What is that? A stare down from Schumer over his reading glasses? Let’s compare the “leadership” Democrats’ reaction to this whole fiasco with the reaction to Bork: I know times have changed, but come on. Even if you’ve all caved, can’t you put on an act for the rest of us? We already know the hearings are a sham, so a little outrage here and there would be nice. We pay you too.
Trump’s relationship to fake stuff is not fairly described by his use of the word “fake”. Fake wealth, facts, breasts, art, hair color, support are all great, in Trumpland.
Dems better be prepping to closely question Kavanaugh about this:
No president has ever consulted more widely or talked with more people from more backgrounds to seek input about a supreme court nomination.
and call Kennedy as a witness. The secret negotiations between Kennedy and Trump have to be investigated.
My feeling is that Kavanaugh, under proper cross-examination, is at risk of lying to or misholding a material fact from the Senate. That would expose him to impeachment at some point in the future. Democrats should expressly warn him about that at the end of his testimony and ask if there is any information about his dealings with Kennedy, or anything he is aware of about Trump-Kennedy dealings, that he has not yet revealed.
Unfortunately the only senator with anything coming close to proper cross-examination skills, as opposed to political grandstanding, was Franken. Kavanaugh would have feared him.
I HAD over-prepared the event—
that much was ominous.
- Ezra Pound, the villanelle