Has anyone in government called for Priebus to resign over this?
“I don’t know what else we were supposed to do,” said Spicey
If Pubis was approached by the FBI, his response should have been to hold up his hands, say “stop,” and send the FBI person down the hall to the office of White House Counsel. You are just a fucking staffer, Wrenched. You’re not a lawyer.
“I don’t know what else we were supposed to do,” Spicer said.
Here is a suggestion for what he could have said:
These news stories and the leaks feeding them are becoming a major distraction to the functioning of this administration. That is why we are calling for a politically independent special prosecutor to fully investigate these allegations and report their finding to congress and the American people. The quicker this can be done the quicker we can put these false allegations behind us.
Of course, this would only be smart if they are indeed innocent and have nothing to hide.
The White House officials would only discuss the matter on the condition of anonymity.
The Grift-a-Lotto is defending Rinse with anonymous sources. Oooooo-kay.
I believe exactly zero of what comes out of this White House. I think all this stuff about how they were told the reports weren’t accurate is either vastly exaggerated or completely made up. Trump and his minions have flat-out lied on so many occasions there’s no other way to take their statements. It’s just Putinesque squid ink at this point.
I’m with you. If they announced that the sun rose this morning I’m quite sure without a moment’s hesitation I’d look out the window to confirm.
Are you saying “mistrust and verify” is the new policy?
Nixonian on steroids to the max and the nth power!!!
It’s mine. I’m a skeptic by nature.
Anytime an article begins with, “White House defends…” it can’t be good for those involved. As for the rest of the country…that’s still up for grabs. Let’s see how far this goes.
I smell a lot of skunks and other assorted roadkill along the way before we actually find out the truth.
. . . Priebus . . . asked FBI Director James Comey to publicly dispute media reports that Trump campaign advisers had been frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents.
There’s no way that Priebus could know whether or not some (or even all) of Trump’s other enablers had contact with the Ruskies, therefore Priebus attempted to obstruct justice, no?
I have more trust in a used car salesman who says, “I like you so I’m going to make a special deal just for you.”
Btw…does anyone know if Trumpelthinskin is in DC or at Mar-a-Lago this weekend? I haven’t heard so I assume he’s still in DC…probably working hard and practicing his address to Congress coming up this Tuesday.
Hahahahaha. Just kidding. Who’s fooling who…not when Saturday morning cartoons are on, followed by a daily diet of Faux News and meatloaf.
Fresh from Bloomberg. Senate is back in session this Tuesday, SIC set to hold closed and open hearings. We must have an independent investigation and it must be public.
You can’t trust any of these Republicans because they are too afraid of voters’ reactions to them being disloyal to Trump. His voters are still with him, regardless of his Kremlin affiliation.
Funny, it’s only the White House claiming these reports are inaccurate.
> Flynn was fired after it was revealed that he misled Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials about the content of those conversations.
Has anyone noticed that this bit is being promoted over and over again as fact when in reality it is a WH talking point? This is how disinformation campaigns work.Lie, get it printed, repeat until it becomes part of the public memory of the event. Pence & Priebus knew about Flynn’s actions before he lied about them to the world. Flynn had to go to protect Pence & Priebus, not because he lied. Someone had to go. Trump surely knew about the content of the Flynn calls when before they occurred but the media, including TPM, continues to promote this incredulous story about how Flynn was fired for lying.
Yeah and it bugs the hell out of me as well. Especially when it is phrased that Trump fired Flynn. As I pointed out in an earlier thread, Trump grudgingly accepted his resignation and only agreed to do that if he could get his twitter privileges back. He didn’t fire Flynn, “he traded him for a tweet to be sent later”.
The criminals have exonerated the criminal!!
Will you not seek forgiveness in your heart??