If it’s what you say it is, then I love it!
Redheads everywhere are no doubt so proud today that someone in the WH is finally speaking out against all the bullying and discrimination they have faced because people think they’re Russian spies. “Redhead Ruskie spy! Redhead Ruskie spy!” the old schoolyard taunt used to go…
A little testy, Sarah?.
Has it been a rough week?
Is it getting harder to do this job - because his lies and behavior are getting even more chaotic and a) it’s harder to spin; or b) it’s harder to swallow covering up for this shitshow? Or are you relishing the role and ride that you are complicit in taking the US on?
Memo to Ms Hamhock -
You’re just lucky that the commenters in TPM chatrooms are not the occupants of the WH press briefing room!
For those of us who’ve triggered the dreaded “502-gateway” caution: at least with my machine, trying the 'Like" button a second time seems to work well.
Torshin’s communications with Butina were tapped before his Don Jr. meeting.
But Cartman says you just cant trust those gingers, Sarah. Perhaps you could get him to help you out.
An this specific answer, SHS pivoted from lying to nonsense. Wow, looks like she loaded up on cheeseburgers during her time away…
Now they are resorting to the Rain Man defense - he was actually answering a question someone asked four hours earlier.
UPDATE: Prosecutors say there is a separate fraud investigation of one of two Americans in Butina complaint
Another non-Mueller investigation that Mueller can leverage, probably.
“You guys need to take a little bit of a step back, slow down, and quit
going after the Trump administration on every single thing crime that takes
Fixed it for you, Sarah.
Better dead than red.
The logical riposte to Sanders would have been for a journalist to inquire whether visitor logs reflect Butina had been in the White House at any time since 1/20/2017. Then again, we’re talking about journalists thinking quick on their feet. Evidently a bit much to ask.
Sooo many issues to question, so little time.
Wish she said this earlier. Told my redhead wife yesterday that I now realize she only sleeps with me to get intel for her Russian handlers. As I have no such intel, I thought my epiphany really explained a lot.
Kind of funny how the Russians seem to have quite a supply of spies who look like Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow. Does her handler wear a black trench coat and fedora like Boris Badenov?
Or, hey, maybe we could ‘slow down and step back’ all the way to November 8, 2016, and re-do the election. You know, now that we know what we know beyond any shadow of doubt.
“Being Redheaded Does Not Make Someone A Russian Spy”
True, but it DOES mean they have no soul and that there’s only one way to make sure they stay dead.
god damned right you silly piece of shit! I have red hair and I’m no traitor, like your and your boss
Somehow I knew that no matter what Trump did or said in Helsinki we would all just be trudging through the muck as usual come Wednesday. This shit just ain’t funny anymore.
Libtards? Next YOU’LL BE claiming OLD FAt Men wiTH Weird hair ARE PUTIN PUPPETS