Discussion for article #239297
It’s like she had bullets coming out of her somewhere.
Whoa. More guns is the answer
Welp, now it’s not only that her boyfriend may be cheating on her, it will probably be the end of her tenure in the White House, as well. Hope it was worth it!
Good Guy with a Gun needed at Barvetta Singletary’s home in Washington D.C.
That is all.
That was stupid on the part of both people. She is done. He is in trouble for not securing his weapon. I hear there are fifty other ways to leave your lover.
Well, 49 other ways. She nailed the first one.
Beyond stupid - but i loved both comments.
Yez, it was a lovely little diversion.
…We now return you to TRUMPATHON 2015!
HUge WAste OF PIxels TPM. What DOes the DONALD thiNK? Was SHE BLEEDIng out of her WHAtever at the TIME of the SHOOTING??
A legislative aide to President Obama was arrested Friday, accused of
shooting the gun of her boyfriend – a U.S. Capitol police officer –
during a domestic dispute, NBC’s local affiliate reported. (emphasis is mine)
So… was the gun in question OK? Did it survive?
Also I would suggest that the article headline could use a bit of revising.
The White House originally found her in one of Romney’s binders.
I tell ya … emotions can get the best of ya. Both of these folks seem to need some help with anger management.
Like Sheldon says, “B**ches be crazy!!”
Should have hopped on the bus, Gus…
Instead she pulled out the Barretta, Barvetta…
The White House, where Singletary serves as house legislative liaison, told Fox News she had been put on administrative leave.
In fairness, she’s probably had to use this same tactic on this House. Probably the only way they’d pay attention.
Down south, this is what’s called “a first date.”
Yes, if only he had a second gun…wait, make that a third, that way she would have run out of hands to hold his guns in and he might have been able to hold onto the third one, giving him at least a fighting chance.
Thanks a lot, Obama, your gun-grabbing ways nearly cost this guy his life!
she is miss NRA
I think they need to update the saying to, gun control means using both OF YOUR hands.