Discussion: 'White Genocide' Billboard Appears On Alabama Highway

Discussion for article #231925

Wait a sec…these guys can READ!?


It must suck when you realize that the only thing you have going for you is that you’re white and then people come around and tell you that it’s really not a thing.


I love that they think they are the real victims of “genocide” they mean voluntary, mixed marriages.


Diversity means keeping the last White male and female alive for breeding purposes … even if they are related lol


Yes, because white people are about to go extinct.


These kooks are a batwillion strong on Disqus, they put their droppings everywhere.

There is nothing naturally superior about being a melanin-impaired member of the human race.


Estamm, they have reams of statistics that supposedly “prove” that is exactly going to happen.

Basically it’s Fear of a Brown Planet.


The Klan rolls must be down. Poor, frustrated, white pansies.

  1. That’s not how a hashtag works
  2. It is a white genocide—perpetrated for four centuries by whites, against blacks and indigenous American peoples
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Suggest a group search for politicians who have appeared at League of the South events. Are there some Scalise’s out there?


The evidence presented here establishes that one can read and write and that he or she believes there’s at least one more who can at least read. But, I don’t you can fairly infer more than that from this evidence.


in alabasacwards that’s usually the case…lol

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why yes because somewhere its in the bible…lol

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White genocide (Edit - suicide, actually) comes from within when ignorance and hatred is passed down from generation to generation. Imagine getting a decent education and concentrating on achieving without wasting energy on keeping others down.
Those without resources had best learn to think.



Like the song says: “You must be carefully taught…”


Problems with The League of the South are nothing new.


This sign is disgusting, but more importantly it shows that white supremacy movements are alive and well here in the US, just as they are in Europe. Until we stop pushing diversity, and start pushing unity, groups like this will use the word against any type of effort to make this a country that is not divided by race, religion, age, gender or sexual orientation.

They hide behind religious zealotry and claim that they are patriots trying to preserve America, and unfortunately, far too many people buy their drivel because it is supported by the likes of the Tea Party, the GOP, the Religious Right, and FOX News 24/7. When President Obama was condemned for his guns and Bible comment, he was acknowledging a reality that most Americans want to ignore, but he also noted that it comes from fear and ignorance.

Charles Dickens once wrote that man created ignorance and want, but that we should fear ignorance most. He was right then, and it holds true today. This sign is not just a sign of ignorance and fear, it is a sign of where our nation is headed if we do not start fighting back with not only words, but actions against intolerance in all it shapes and taking it not only to the voting booths, but to the streets if necessary.

Evil thrives when we allow it to do so. We must stand up, make ourselves heard by the media because of sheer numbers like Martin Luther King, Jr. did 50 years ago, and we must not stop until politicians and religious leaders and these sick individuals who put up these signs hear us - we are a nation of ALL PEOPLE! WE ARE ALL AMERICANS! AND WE WILL NOT BE AFRAID ANY LONGER!

Rev. Devon Jeanette Noll


my first, last and only response is 'take that fcking thing down. now. ’