He is obviously a complete jerk and a terrible human being, with not so much as a shred of decency . . . so he is perfect for the job.
And to celebrate a successful audition, Whitaker had dinner yesterday evening at Trump Hotel
Why would you audition for a job with a prick who is going down, along with the rest of his shitty family?
He drank a lot of water at the hearing. Is that part of the CoS job description? /snark
stupid is as stupid does
As a clueless shill for a company who’s sole business was defrauding their customers, he’s perfect for tRump.
Hot tub sales are down 40%
I guess I am in a minority when I say that the hearing yesterday was actually good for Trump. Whitaker simply showed to not reveal anything, be arrogant and you will get away with it all. Others in WH and elsewhere can now follow it not be worried.
Somehow, Kathleen Turner’s line from Body Heat popped into my head: “You aren’t too smart, are you? I like that in a man.“
So is this.
He looks like a bar of soap.
Lying is a major trait.
He will let it any criticism or judgement wash away.
And he will be reduced to a sliver of himself in the end to be tossed away for a new one.
Well, he already has a job with said prick, so…
There are gobs of Trumpies out there who’ve been brainwashed by three decades of racist, Democrats-are-evil, authoritarian-worship nuttery. They’d jump at the chance to serve their current leader.
I hope he gets the job. Someone who was actually above average IQ with political savvy might be able to stall the investigations long enough for Trump to get re-elected. With this moron running the WH, the downfall will come sooner.
Like a glove.
Whitaker followed the Kavanaugh model for dealing with non-fascist politicians. He combined his total arrogance with an unbridled contempt for both his questioners and for the public at large.
So I’m certain it was a successful audition.
He’s cut from the same cloth as Trump. There’s no such thing as bad press. He’ll come out of this as widely reviled for being a stupid, craven opportunist, but he’ll be a stupid, craven opportunist with “Atty. General of the United States” and “White House Chief of Staff” on both his CV and the back cover of his tell-all book.
To the 25% of Americans that are in philosophical lockstep (i.e. deplorable cretins) with Trump, he’ll be a hero that they tune in to watch on FOX and invite to give paid speeches at rallies.
So, why is he doing it? Cha-Ching!
Yes. It was good for Trump for Trump’s base. But being that they are Trump’s base, the bar of what’s “good” is also a very low bar.
I think the “not too bright” aspect came into play as well. Remember, Donny doesn’t really like anyone who is actually smarter and more knowledgeable than he is. With the exception of Putin, who I would consider to be a revered mentor of the same order, everyone else ends up coming under the gun if they are adept in what they do. Even if he retains them, he spends a lot of time knocking them down to a size he can handle.
As are the deep big dick toilets
Mueller, of course, knows if he lied when he said he hasn’t interfered with Mueller’s investigation.
Mueller loves catching and flipping people who lie like that.