Hmmm, let’s see, now… Do I tell the truth now, which means that my previous testimony is demonstrably perjury, or do I double down on the lies, which makes my perjury worse? What to do, what to do…
I wish that well-off white men had every bit as much opportunity to “clarify” sworn testimony as regular schmoes like you and I.
Interesting word, “clarify”. When a witness testifies under oath, they are supposed to tell the truth. If they don’t, they can face prosecution for perjury. I guess none of that applies to Whitaker, which is why he gets to “clarify”.
Whitaker Will Meet With House Judiciary Again To Twist Himself Into Pretzels In Order To Convince Them That He Didn’t Lie Under Oath.
“It’s a perjury trap!” - Republican Admiral Akbar
Whitaker Will Meet With House Judiciary Again To Clarify Testimony
Admittedly his original testimony was watered down.
Incompetent grifting juice-head is gonna get one more chance to flip on Donald or face perjury charges.
Lock him up!
Given the special features of the toilet he was pitching, why didn’t any of the senators ask the obvious: “How’s it hangin’, Mr. Attorney General?”
Nadler’s very first statement should be, “Mr Whitaker, I see your time is up,” and then he should call in the bailiff.
Perhaps this will be a little like Stone: a hearing to explain why the chair should not immediately make a criminal referral.
Because he probably would have answered.
If you’re wondering whether the DOJ Perjury story or the GOP Personal Brothel Manager story are on the Google News front page right now, the answer is “Nope.” Here’s what made the cut:
Well, that would’ve been a first!
I’m no soothsayer, but if he doesn’t plead the fifth, I see a Mueller referral in his future.
I can’t see how he’s going to answer honestly the questions regarding Trump trying to replace the head of the SDNY investigation with a purported flunky, and the Sessions letter about restarting the Clinton investigation for political purposes.
Either way, he’s going to some prosecutor. He already lied last time, so doesn’t matter if he pleads the fifth this time.
I just hope it is not just Nadler and Collins, but others on the committee who know how to ask hard hitting questions. Were I Whitaker, I would not be pleased to have to answer a number of hours of questions focused on whether I had perjured myself before congress.
“Clarify” = “I Lied”
My advice: Don’t lie this time.
OT: You’ve gone Gorey on us. I approve.