The whistleblower is Tricia Newbold, a career White House civil servant in the personnel security office.
She purportedly added that she fears retaliation from her politically appointed supervisors, supposedly telling the committee, “I’m terrified of going back.”
Well, I certainly wouldn’t count on having your own security clearance for much longer.
The whistleblower is Tricia Newbold, a career White House civil servant in the personnel security office.
She’s technically not eligible for the Medal of Honor but …
“For example, the whistleblower claims that the White House stopped conducting credit checks on incoming staff.”
Of course…bribery is a form of business transaction and SOP for these people.
Well, I hope Cummings and the gang are discussing what happens when, not if, the subpoenas are ignored. Come on, guys, let’s break with tradition here and actually haul some people off to jail. How long a can subpoena can be ignored - and what is the actual process?
She should protected by Congress and not be terrified for telling the truth.
If she is harassed by a political appointee ,that person should be publicly brought before Congress to answer why.
Buttery males.
while i agree that this is an issue that needs investigation, doesn’t it really belong in the intelligence committee?
Laura Rozen is doing a deep dive on detail in this on her twitter feed:
It is very interesting.
the actual process involves a referral to the DoJ, which then decides whether a contempt of congress case is appropriate.
and given Barr’s “unitary executive” theories, don’t expect to see any action taken by DoJ.
(and this is why impeachment proceedings are necessary – court precedent has established that there is no “executive privilege” when it comes to impeachment supoenas)
Trump collaborators were all broke or have shady financial history otherwise they would not be within 20 miles of the WH.
Well of course!
How else do you think an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise can function in an environment that is usually under scrutiny.
They need the inside access to the intelligence for the Grift
They’re not there to govern , they’re there to cash in
its also unreadable.
Twitter should be used for succinct comments, and links to longer pieces.
/grumpy old man off
So the DOJ decides this? That doesn’t seem like much of a damn check! So the Democrats’ hands are tied because if they utter the word “impeachment,” all hell breaks loose. Wonderful. And, re your comment, would the Intelligence Committee have any better options? I’m assuming not …
Perhaps, yes, but Oversight certainly has jurisdiction over process questions, which these are.
Rep Cummings is a national treasure. Go get the bastards Elijah.
there is also Congress’s inherent contempt power – but I don’t know when the last time was that it was used, and there is no actual “congressional jail” to put people in. Read here for a deeper dive into congresses’ options.
Now that we know you are listening through our security sieve, Russia send us the FULL Mueller Report. So we can end the Republican stone walling
Thank you, Ms. Newbold.
I’m so glad the border with Mexico will be closed or have a huge wall to help protect national security. When can we do that with the White Housr?