Discussion: Which States Are Hit Hardest By Failure To Fund Children's Health Program


Two thoughts instantly come to mind:

  1. The Democrats need to scream this from the rooftops, accusing the GOP of taking health care away from babies.It is scandalous that this is not the number 2 (Las Vegas of course is 1) story on the news.

  2. For all those out there who said there’s no difference between the parties or Clinton/Trump, this was a signature effort of Hillary Clinton and would never have been allowed to lapse. They are not the same.


I agree with your sentiment, but your statement has one glaring error: Congress still has to pass something. Even if Clinton were the president, if the Congress was still controlled by Republican’ts we’d be in the same boat.

That said, this is the GOP Culture of Life and Every Life is Sacred hypocrisy on display…


Makes sense. I would assume these are some of the states at the top of their “fuck the darkies as hard as possible or the state is going purple” list. What better way to take out their frustrations on the faster rate of non-white births than to attack their children? I mean, the white kids will be fine right, so who cares if the non-white ones are saddled with malnutrition and sub-industrialized-nation quality health care…and the poorer educational and longevity results that are associated with the same?


Let me just reiterate my daily ‘I HATE THESE MUTHAFKERS!’ They use children as campaign props and then let them starve as just so much collateral damage. In THIS country. You know. The BEST country. I hate them. Yes.


Rethugliklans call this “baby steps.”

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Losing prenatal care – now that’s what I call a Pro Life agenda.


I)n a different time, this would have been a clock on major news shows. “Blah blah blah and X days since republicans decided to let children go without health coverage.”


Why do republicans hate people so much? What is wrong with them?

It’s kids, for Christ sake! Who takes away healthcare for kids!? :angry:

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Yeah, Sniffit, you’re right.

Same thing at work with Puerto Rico. Rescue the white peoples from hurricanes TWICE, but when ‘brown people’ get whacked by one, welll…just LOOK at all that public debt!!

:roll_eyes: Fuckers.


Those were all Repub states were they not?
Utah sure as hell is and Hatch could do something about it if he wanted, which he obviously doesn’t.

This can’t possibly be a winning move by these heartless bastards. I mean everyone has kids and every state has children receiving aide and care.

They’ll let this float for a while and when the condemnation rips through their gullets, they’ll capitulate and settle for just screwing pregnant women. Wait, that didn’t come out quite right but you get my gist.


Filthy rat bastards.

I’m disgusted by this nonfeasance.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.

What liberty can be more fundamental than life and health? Is health somehow not a matter of general Welfare? Is Justice somehow served by Congress failing to address CHIP funding? Does aggravating more than half the citizenry somehow increase domestic Tranquility?

Have I mentioned how much I hate these filthy rat bastards?


No, that came out exactly right. And I think you know it :wink:

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Maybe, re-screwing pregnant women? No, that sounds awful too.

Anyway, my basic point is that these filthy, heartless, prick, rat bastards are just mean and deserve all of the name calling.


This is Republican rule.

It’s not about coordinating or collaborating with people. It’s not about your planning. It’s about what they want.

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Kids? They can’t vote, and they don’t watch Fox news. Why are we talking about them?


Hey … Trumpanzees … see what you’ve done ??? Do ya care … is that gonna make your tax bill lower or do anything else for you ?? Do ya know they are just gettin’ started with this shit … they need that money for tax cuts for the big money boys. You know they will eventually get to you … that’s a fact.

You sure showed 'em up thar in Worshington … hot dam !!!

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I know not even Thoughts and prayers when kids have their health care stripped from them. Only when they get shot.

I don’t know the numbers, but I bet there are plenty of white kids (from poorer families in red states especially) who benefit from the CHIP program. Those same people were overwhelmingly Trump voters, but they just couldn’t conceive that their “talk tough” guy would do something like this to them.


Actually, if Clinton had been president, the Senate wouldn’t have spent the last 8 months trying to repeal ACA.

Both houses would have just voted the ‘repeal’ that the House has pssed 60+ times before, and then they’d have moved on to the next agenda item.

This might have been a chance to abuse the Clinton White House, as it is a signature program of hers, but their state CHiP program directors would probably have had the same reaction to non-renewal that all 50 had to the GOP version of ACA replacement, “NO!”.