Discussion: Where's Mick? The Hands-Off COS Was In Las Vegas During Nat'l Emergency Debacle

Where’s Mick? The Hands-Off POS Was In Las Vegas During Nat’l Emergency Debacle

ANOTHER headline I had to fix!


Since Fat Ass’s entire day consists of Tweeting on the toilet, eating McDonald’s and KFC, berating dead Senators, and jacking off to FoxNews, he needs a chief of staff about as much as Carol Brady needed a housekeeper.

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I assume that it would just be “fairly lazy”

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Mulvaney is in it for the money, pure and simple. He’s a repellent excuse for a human being, hence, he fits right in with the rest of this “Administration.”

Like a true Trumpanzee, all he knows is one side of the story and he’s certain that’s all he needs to know.

I don’t understand why this problem continues. You’ve given TPM an elegantly simple template that does all the work for them.

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