Discussion: Where Does Hillary Clinton Stand On These Five Issues?

Discussion for article #235257

According to Sahil’s article, Five Important Issues, Hillary hasn’t taken a stand on any of them.

Curious as to how Sahil determined these are “Important Issues” for 2016 voters?

Keystone is for all intents are purposes dead.

NSA reform? LOL. Still trying to flog the Snowden dead horse?

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Sit back and watch and learn how it’s done Sahil.
Hillary is going to drive you and the gop out of there minds for a few months.
Then when she decides, she will come out and feed off what ever is left after the gop piles up it’s dead.
Going to be fun actually. lol

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Now I know the taste of a nothingburger.

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She is known to hold back and watch how the wind blows, but in this case, she is smart to hold off. Whatever position she ultimately takes, the GOP will trash her for it. Why give them any fodder now? The GOP position on every issue, is always the polar opposite of the opposition regardless of the merits or how much good it would do the country or our citizens.

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Is HRC’s campaign not issuing photos with press releases? Where is Josh Marshall getting all these unflattering images of the candidate? And why is he nitpicking her one day old campaign? Oh, never mind…

Sahil doesn’t mention the most important issue of 2016: global warming and how to deal with it. Because solar and wind have reached parity with fossil fuels, dealing with global warming is a winning issue. No president has done more in the area of global warming than Obama.

Hillary could do as much as Obama has been doing and still be in good shape. Personally, I hope she advocates doing more. But it’s clear Republican candidates refuse to take global warming seriously and they refuse to do anything that might displease wealthy fossil fuel barons, many of whom fund their campaigns and various think tanks that are largely pro-monopoly lobbies (Hey, there’s another issue. Is Hillary pro-monopoly or does she favor returning to free enterprise and competition so everyone has a fair chance to compete in the market place? It seems clear Republicans favor a return to oligarchy and privilege.)


We know where she stands. In these, as in any other issue that matters to liberals (“preemptive” war, labor law, race, global warming, progressive taxation, campaign reform, police, etc.). She is a Republican.

long story short, Hillary is going to avoid making any strong statements either way and pretend to be the candidate for everybody just like Obama did. The usual Dem switcheroo…let’s speak in progressive rhetoric without taking an actual strong stand on anything to get votes from the left…and once they’re no longer needed veer to center-right to get the wall street money.

Well, it is only Tuesday. Let’s give Hillary at least until EOD Friday to address these issues before we panic.