Discussion: When You Use Campaign Funds To Pay For Your Pet Rabbit’s Trip, You’re Doing It Wrong

That’s not payment. That’s a voluntary contribution towards wear and tear, depreciation expenses.
What is this world coming to when a guy can’t have a little fun, maybe take his rabbit, whose practically a member of the family, on a trip? This is why good people are leaving politics.


I doubt she’d be writing in this style in a $130 book.

I’m actually waiting for the other shoe to drop (and this will date me miserably): Did the rabbit die?


Reports have Issa moving in CA-50 for a run.

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Or maybe he has just been faithful his entire life…

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Yes yes yes.

Or like Senator David Vitter, wear a diaper. Sort of an early 2000s version of a comfort animal, those diapers were.


Revelations about Watergate led to the enactment of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), which still governs campaigns.

I always did think of election campaigns as largely fecal matters.

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As a practical matter, he should not resign unless trading the resignation for reduced prosecution, just like all the crooked congresscritters before him.

How about Duncan’s do-nots?


Bad to worse.

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FYI. David Vitter’s wife is a US District Court judge.

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Maybe a billboard is in order: “Vote for the crook” With the models in jumpsuits.

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Duncan has malfunctioning software in the melon, much like the orange one. His alleged brain cannot process the concept of himself doing anything wrong. He was charged before the last election, and was still elected, underscoring the presence of a large cult contingent in the more rural areas of SoCal. His lawyer’s latest move was to label the prosecutor a “Hillary operative.” The cult and the leaders of the cult do not recognize standard norms of behavior, and clearly never will. If this one goes to jail there will simply be another, and another.

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If Darrell Issa runs and is elected from this district, we could expect more shenanigans, though more along the lines of conflicts of interest with his business holdings. I’m sure if he’s called on it, he’ll start talking Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Nearly spit my tea on my phone. That’s so good that it would be criminal to not include it for the stupidest sex scandal award.

What say you @joshm

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Back to the topic: The law professor’s outline of what’s allowed and what’s not allowed seems perfectly clear, yet Republican politicos have pretended that Democrats paying Mr. Steele for work on his dossier is exactly the same as Trump getting help from Russia in exchange for easing up on sanctions.

When Edwin Edwards (a convicted felon and former Governor) ran against David Duke for Gov or LA, there was a TV ad that said “Vote for the Crook. It’s important.” Ed Bradley did the 60 Minutes Segment that ended with that TV ad.

You’ve heard of Dad-Jeans- Vitter simply brought it to its logical conclusion: Dad-Diapers. Not a big deal.

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Not a big deal.


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Because of course.

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Probably not, but I like that she’s adaptable. A law professor who can also write entertaining and informative English. Good combo.