Discussion: When You Use Campaign Funds To Pay For Your Pet Rabbit’s Trip, You’re Doing It Wrong

Especially if you buy the fuzzy kind. ;->

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I dunno. Having been traumatized by a couple of real monumental asshole law professors my first year of L school…I still remember the Contracts professor who wore a turtle neck under his tweed blazer, had a Roman Numeral III after his New England Preppy name, and, delivered his lecture in a transparent imitation of Johnny Carson’s monologue…and the Civil Procedure one, who was an Olympic Water Polo player for Holland before he finished law school there and then came over the Pond to study Law here…it took me into my third year as a lawyer to say to myself one day, “Gee, Federal Civil Procedure is logical, Rules were drafted to make sense, and can actually be fun…” such was the awful, complicated mess he taught us as he slapped himself on the back for being brilliant, and funny, and having Final Exams which nobody could score better than 30% correct on his multiple choice section…so I don;t know about your middle sentence…

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Duncan Hunter’s last election, in spite of his ongoing legal proceedings, serves to plumb the depths Republican voters will go to elect a Republican. Hunter easily won his election while Roy Moore narrowly lost his election in Alabama. Republicans found the child molester slightly beyond the pale to vote for but Hunter’s malfeaseance only showed a minor decrease in his election victory.

Hunter’s election victory also serves to highlight the critical influence of right-wing propaganda. San Diego’s local Fox News channel presented Hunter’s legal troubles as unwarranted political attacks. It is to be expected that a large percentage of people getting their “news” from this source will be unaware of the gravity of his crimes.