Discussion: When It Comes To Feminism, It's Good To Be Bad

Discussion for article #226168

I sincerely hope Andrea Dworkin is spinning in her grave right about now.

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Looks interesting. And it sounds like a shot across the bow of the internal police forces that seek to define feminism in an exclusionary fashion. (I.e., the “you’re not a real feminist if…” crowd, or people who draw the borders of feminism as a moving two-foot circle centered on themselves and people very, very much like them.)

To be fair, feminism writ large probably has LESS of a problem with this than a lot of other movements/ideologies/identifiers, but it doesn’t escape it entirely, and it’s always seemed to me that it does disproportional damage in the case of feminism. In any event, certainly it’s better to have “bad” feminists than potential paragons of ideological virtue who run away from the word.